Schall Alien Loot

Dead aliens are now good aliens! Aliens will pay for your base defense! On their death, they bring back the 0.14 alien artifact. They also drop alien ores as loots, which can be morphed into ordinary ores like iron ore. Also adds alien science pack that can be used for research in other tech mods. Well-suited for combat-heavy, no-mining scenarios. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro, Español, and 26 Partial)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [Responded] alien artifact missing on logistic requests

4 years ago

it's very possible that i've just overlooked something, but i'm at a loss as to how to filter a storage chest or set a request for the alien artifact. all 3 ores and the alien science pack show up, but no artifact. i've used the search function and tried artifact and alien as well as starting at all the options until my eyes cross, but i can't seem to locate it. pls advise! =p

4 years ago

Alien artifact can have 500 per stack. So it occupies much less slots than the ores, so can easily get overlooked.

There are some mods to search items over the whole map.
I have never tried these mods (as I have some OCD storage protocols to prevent such problem), but you may give them a try:
- ItemFinder
- BeastFinder

4 years ago

{made same post on alien loot mod discussion, not rly sure where to ask, so i posted on both} im not sure if thats quite a bug or inference with my other mods or (im using quite a lot of them, none of the other aspects of this mod isnt working correctly though), but i cant find alien artifact item anywhere in personal logistic tab/requester chest tab, even though i posses it somewhere in the chests and i see my logistic storing system contains this item. Is there any command to fix this?
im pretty sure i didnt overlook it, its just not showing up in the logistic request menu at all

4 years ago

tried both those mods, but none worked, while i see the artifacts being certainly within my logistic storing

4 years ago

I read from a FFF post (maybe by Klonan?) some time ago, about hiding "not-yet unlocked" items in the logistics request selection list.
Please open game menu, going into "Settings" → "Interface", then check option "Show all items in selection lists".
See if it allows selecting the alien artifact again in your game.

Honestly, I have no idea how the logistics request code will determine whether an item is "not-yet unlocked" or not.
They are all supposed to be resource item, like wood and fish.
In prototype definition, the alien ores and alien artifact are defined very alike. So I feel strange why wood, fish and 3 alien ores show up initially, except for just alien artifact.

4 years ago

it made the job
thank you, i was afraid ill have to build my entire millitary factory wing based on putting manually artifacts in dedicated chest and inserting them on pretty long belt xd

4 years ago

BTW, you can also set the request slot if you have at least one item of it.
Hold it in cursor, then "put" (or actually paste) onto the request slot.
This can set the slot, enough if it is missing from the item selection list.

For example, a mod and some scenarios I am using have the "coin" item. It does not have any recipes and do not show up in any selection list.
With this method, I can set the bots to put all the coins into my inventory.

2 years ago

With some testing, I found the issue:
Unlocking the Uranium transmutation tech will show the artifact on filters and logistic requests.

New response