Schall Alien Loot

Dead aliens are now good aliens! Aliens will pay for your base defense! On their death, they bring back the 0.14 alien artifact. They also drop alien ores as loots, which can be morphed into ordinary ores like iron ore. Also adds alien science pack that can be used for research in other tech mods. Well-suited for combat-heavy, no-mining scenarios. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro, Español, and 26 Partial)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Solved] Conversion suggestion

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Great mod, I used it for a no mining scenarios but can up hard against the fact that there is no recipe for oil. It would be appreciated to add a recipe from ore to crude oil.

If you want a recommendation for ratios I would say 1 iron/copper is 10 crude oil with a 50% reduction for alien ore 2. IE AO1 cannot turn into oil, AO2 would turn into 5 crude oil, AO3 would turn into 20 crude oil and alien artifact would turn into 50 crude oil.
If you want a different ratio that works too, i just want to be able to convert alien ore into crude oil

5 years ago

Sure, it is a good point. I will include conversion to crude oil in next update.
I did not include that because I thought other ores are finite, but crude oil is infinite. But then I missed the case if there are no oil wells at all.

Yes, I appreciate recommendations, a lot. :-) It is much better than having me to try out a solution all by myself.
I have a "desired" value ratio of 1:2:4:10 between AO1:AO2:AO3:AA. And your suggestion sounds fitting perfectly.
I will try and test that a bit before releasing.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Just tested and made some calculations. I feel your value set is too favourable.
So I nerfed that and now testing 1 AO2 → 2 (Crude) Oil, 1 AO3 → 8 Oil, 1 AA → 20 Oil.

I based this on what can be done with one AO3 (as 1/s AO3) in rate can be converted to.
An electric mining drill (EMD) has base speed 0.5/s on normal ores + coal.
A pumpjack (PJ) has base speed 10/s on a "standard" oil well; or 2/s on a depleted 20% oil well.
1/s AO3 → 2/s Coal (or iron ore, copper ore), which is equivalent to 4 EMD.
1/s AO3 → 8/s Oil, which is equivalent to 80% overall yield, or as 4 PJ on depeleted wells.
So these corresponds to 4 miners each, somewhat comparable.

Using 1/s AO3 → 20/s Oil, it is equivalent to 200% overall yield, or 10 PJ on depleted wells. Guess it is too much.
(Especially as I take the reference of many late-game bases, where factories usually have much more EMD than PJ. So 1/s AO3 → 20/s Oil will overproduce oil a lot.)

If things go smooth, I will publish the update on Thursday. Crafting time options will be included too.

5 years ago

Just publish 0.17.7, hope the feature is useful to you.

New response