Requirement of having lamps is not heavily enforced as they are generally the most useless fixtures. However, distributing high amount of them all over the factory no longer looks like such a pointless exercise, after the night stoped appearing so ridiculously inconsequantial.

by ouk_ouk

Allows to adjust length of the day and choose brightness and color of the night, zoom-to-map, night-vision and so on. (This is a purely graphical change which does not affect the game mechanics.) By default it is set to dark night, green nightvision and desaturated zoom-to-map. "Factory moves fast, growth and maintenance required, nature does not let."

28 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Environment Cheats

g Possibility that lights and night vision are always on

3 years ago

hello I really liked the mod, I wanted to know if there is the option that it can always be at night (not only that it is not daytime, but that the lamps and night vision are always activated) for a scenario where it is always "at night", or if the option is not, I would like to know if you plan to add any of that in the future

3 years ago

I tried something like that but I didn't manage to do it yet. I'm gonna need more research to say if it can be done at all. I'll try some more but I cannot promise anything.
It is so difficult because this mod is not supposed to change any game mechanics like power production of solar panels which makes things like day length much trickier to change.
If you don't mind the game mechanics, there is a bunch of other mods that make eternal night. They should work fine with this mod.

3 years ago

thanks for responding so quickly, I have already tried looking for mods that make the eternal night and I have not found any, do you know any?

An idea you could implement would be the option to change that in the menu. the energy production of solar panels, vehicle and player lights and other things that change between day and night as follows:

Vanilla: everything works normally

Eternal night: everything works as if it were always night (lights never go out and solar panels never produce power)

Eternal day: everything works as if it were always daytime (lights never come on and panels always work)

The duration of the day and night (visually) can be fixed by the player as they prefer, but having those options would be great because this mod adds a lot of possibilities to the game.

It's just an idea that you might like to add, if you know any eternal night mod tell me, thanks.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Sorry but no. I appreciate you like this mod but those change are out of the question for multiple reasons.
Firstly, this is a promise for the user. If someone found this mod, they have the right to assume that what I wrote in the description is true. I personally find this annoying if some mod break such promise.
Secondly, my whole implementation is written to use this specific way of changing the game behavior and using another method would mean I need to basically write the mod from scratch. (I'm not going to doing it.)

I'm quite sure I've seen multiple mods that give you night-only mode. I don't have much time to look for them RN but a quick search gave me You may check if it does what you want.

If there is a problem with compatibility with my mod, inform me and I'll try to fix it.

3 years ago

Don't worry, yesterday I got to do what I wanted, I waited for nightfall and used another mod to be able to write a command that stop the day and night cycle without losing achievements, then I deactivated the command mod, loaded the game and I had my eternal night with all its interactions.

Thanks for the help and advice, hope you keep this mod updated for much longer, it's really good

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