Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b Compatiblity with Space Exploration

1 year, 1 day ago
(updated 1 year, 1 day ago)

Hey there,
Rocket-Silo Contruction is not compatible with Space Exploration in the current state due to circular dependencies in technology.
Rocket Silo Construction Site needs 50 Processor Units to build. But this technology is only available after the first satellite-telemetry is gathered, for which you need a rocket silo.

Is there any possibility to fix that?

Best Regards

7 months ago

is this stil an issue ?

New response