Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g How do I know how the length of the different construction stages?

4 years ago

I'm playing with this mod, SE and Krastorio 2 (also a few others), and I'm just building my silo on an other planet.

I remember that earlier there was a progress bar above the drilling site, but it's now missing (was it taken out with the update?), and now it's at 10500 finished products. When I built my first silo on Nauvis it didn't took that much "products", and it also gave a lot less sand, so I have serious issues now about where to store all that has been excavated because I didn't think that I need more than a few warehouses for it.

I think it would be nice to have a wiki page (either in Informatron, or if 1.1 comes out it would be the best in the new miniwiki) with the current setup, with details about all of the stages, including time, input and output.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

There is something wrong. The progress bar must be visible, or nothing is working on that silo.
Please a need more info for adressing the issue: how did you built the first stage of the construction site? manually or with robot ? Is it the rocket silo or cargo silo ? Was it on a planet / moon / orbit ?

4 years ago

I've just taken a look at the code, and I see it in control.lua that the progress bar should be there

I think I've built it with a robot, but not exactly sure. If so, then I've built it with a construction drone (from the mod made by Klonan).
It's a rocket silo, and it's on a planet (Mariel)

Yesterday I've found a mod named global variables viewer, I guess it's the time for it to shine.
I see that you store silo's under construction in a list in the global variable rsc_silo_under_construction, but it seems to be empty. On the following picture it's "folder" is hollow which means opened:

4 years ago

Ok, just tested what happens if I build with the con drone, and what if I build it manually, and this is the problem.
If the excavation site is built with the construction drone, there won't be a new item in the rsc_silo_under_construction list, but if I build it manually, there will be one:

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Exactly. This is the issue. My mod did not receive the event of the excavation site build, and this is required. I think the construction drone mod should fire raise_build on this case.

4 years ago

No, It looks like he is using raise_revive. So I can get that event. A new version will fix this soon.

4 years ago

new version released. Now it works with construction drones. But you will have to remove that silo and start over

4 years ago

Thank you for the quick fix! :)

New response