Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b generic remnants does not exist

4 years ago

38.323 Error ModManager.cpp:1469: Error in assignID, entity with name 'rocket-silo-generic-remnants' does not exist.
Source: rsc-silo-stage1 (assembling-machine).

This is from the log file of the game

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Whats your game version ? Updating should solve the problem

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Does it crash or it is just a messagem on the log file?

4 years ago

I have the same issue after I updated my version to 0.18.21 (build 51104, win64, steam)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Also, this is an error when you start the game, forcing you to disable the mod before you can play at all

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi, after updating to 0.18.21 the mentioned error appears and the game is not startable anymore.

'rocket-silo-generic-remnants' is now called 'rocket-silo-remnants' line 5458

4 years ago

Ohhh version 21 ? I was outdated... fixing now

4 years ago

It works for me again. Thank you :)

4 years ago

0.002 2020-04-24 06:03:45; Factorio 0.18.21 (build 51104, win64, steam)
0.002 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1909)

4 years ago

new version released

4 years ago

Fixed. Thanks

4 years ago

I have exactly the same issue. I'm playing on 0.18.22

4 years ago

Then update to the latest mod version?

New response