Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i Accesible to other buildings / mods

5 years ago


i tried this out and it was very interesting.

Do you plan to include other buildings or even make the methode accesible for other buldings / mods ?

5 years ago

Dont know. Nuclear plant, maybe?

5 years ago

Yes nuke plant would be a nice logical addition....
But also huge buildings, like oil refinery

easy solution from your side is that you make a function which everone else could use i think

New response