Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Bob's integration

5 years ago

Using Bob's materials in the construction would move it up in the tech tree as based on the description it seems fairly low-tech for Bob's mods.

5 years ago

We will need some time to understand bobs mods to make it compatible. I do accept help here, if someone knows well the bobs and can do a list items to replace, it would be great.

5 years ago

Sure, playing through it here, I might make these changes when these items are detected in the data.raw (make sure to add optional dependencies on bobs/angels mods as necessary so it loads 'after').

First of all, the Silo construction site part 1/6 looks like a giant burner miner, thus I'm inferring that it should be 'mining' out the stone. So it's recipe to create it seems fine, although maybe use the wide area miner mk3's instead as the person will have them by this point, item name of bob-area-mining-drill-2, yes for the mk3, lol, this will also cause it to use more bob'y materials like bronze and cobalt. Second, instead of outputting stone it should probably output a mix of mostly sand (sand from aai industries and/or angels refining) and crushed stone (crushed-stone, from angels refining), a lesser amount of stone, and small amounts of slag (slag, also from angels refining).

Of the input ingredients I'd replace steel with cobalt steel (cobalt-steel-alloy, from angels refining), or if you want to go even higher tier (still pre-rocket-silo though) then perhaps tungsten plates (tungsten-plate from bob's intermediates) would be better to add in addition to the cobalt steel. Maybe replace the 20 steel per stage with 10 steel, 5 cobalt steel, and 5 tungsten? Maybe it should also take concrete bricks (concrete-brick) in addition to concrete itself, or just leave out the concrete itself since that's tiling stuff unlike concrete bricks, which are building materials

The output product of this one is also untranslated: item-name.rsc-building-stage2

Might be interesting to give it a waste output product as well, hmm... Eh...

This one outputs a lot of already processed ores (iron and copper, in addition to stone and coal). Instead of iron and copper it should probably give about equal amounts of all of angel's base ores (which are roughly equal in the game otherwise), being the item names of angels-ore1, angels-ore2, angels-ore3, angels-ore4, angels-ore5, and angels-ore6 (creative I know) thus forcing the person to deal with them all.

Iron pipes are way early game, and considering the heat and rocket fuel I'm guessing they are to be carrying then they should likely instead be copper tungsten pipes (item names of copper-tungsten-pipe and copper-tungsten-pipe-to-ground, I wonder if rocket silo should depend on these technologies... if copper-tungsten is 'too' high tier (purple research) then maybe tungsten pipes might be better of tungsten-pipe and tungsten-pipe-to-ground, which is only blue science?). And again, steel should probably just be removed outright and instead with copper-tungsten plates like the pipes (copper-tungsten-alloy) (or just tungsten/cobalt steel like stage2 if you don't want to require purple science). And instead of concrete maybe instead it should be reinforced concrete brick (reinforced-concrete-brick) or maybe even titanium concrete brick (titanium-concrete-brick) if the 'extended angels' mod is installed along with angels refining

This output also was missing a translation: item-name.rsc-building-stage2 (again?)

This stage should probably also take some hazard concrete since the graphics of the door has it.


Circuit wires are good, unsure if pipes and such are steel needed though. Definitely refined concrete bricks copper-tungsten plates (since the launching pad's top is getting built, large heat applied to it during launch) instead of steel. Instead of copper wire and iron plates the building itself assembles things, so I'd have it take some assembling machines and inserters instead. If you want cables then instead of copper I'd probably use tinned copper cables (tinned-copper-cable) or gilded copper cables (gilded-copper-cable) (probably gilded I'd say).

Translation again too for note, same as above.


This looks fine, maybe higher tier radar but meh on that, and maybe reinforced concrete bricks instead of refined concrete, maybe both of those concrete's actually.

Some overall notes:

150MW wow! It definitely eats it's share of power. ^.^;

And lastly some bugs(?):

When a stage completes and there is stuff in the output, the output just 'vanishes', the upgrade should probably stall and the building be enabled = false so it stops processing until the output is taken out (can the output be taken out if the thing is disabled?). Same with inputs! Hmm...

The deconstruction time of the building stages and the rocket silo itself needs to be a LOOOOOOT longer. I accidentally deconstructed stage 2 when it was almost done by just barely right-clicking on it (pretty late on in the game with a lot of upgrades) and so that was crazy costly since it put down a stage 1 again...

item-name.rsc-building-stage2 translation is missing.

5 years ago

Wow!!!! Thanks for the the real item names! It really helps a lot!! I would waste sooooo much time searching for then.
You are on the true intent of this mod! An expensive and massive hard building work. These changes will add much more complex. Great!!! I will work on that.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Dont use wide area miner. Bob has options disable they. If you use they and they disabled mod dont run.
p.s. Maybe in future add compatible from Space Exploration(cargo rocket silo, cargo landing pad)?

5 years ago

Dont use wide area miner. Bob has options disable they. If you use they and they disabled mod dont run.

I will check each new item if they are present. I think this will not be a problem. Thanks

5 years ago

OvermindDL1, new version released. Please tell me what u think

5 years ago

Be careful to fall back to Bob WITHOUT Angels if Angels is not installed. I play "pure bob" and thus can not use the recipes mentioned above.

5 years ago

Tom, it is compatible with bobs only. Each material is tested for existance when I build the recipes

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