I don't know if it's intended that the repair turrets can't place roads (or any tiles for that matter) from your transport drones mod. if it is, could you change it so that turrets don't attempt to deconstruct the roads and subsequently fail and delete the deconstruction request so that the construction bots can do their job instead of just cancelling their action?
Or maybe just enable the turrets being able to just do that. Either solution is fine for me.
Yeah, any tile doesn't remove. I was trying to remove hazard concrete, it puts the deconstruction x on it, the turret clears the x, but doesn't remove the tile. As a result, my robots cant clear it either
maybe they could, but most of the time they won't since towers, construction drones and construction bots race each other, and "instant zapping" mostly wins because it is fastest, even if it then fails ...