Repair Turret

by Klonan

Adds Repair Turrets

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Logistic network

i Triage repair

4 years ago

I gave this mod a test and my issue with it is that it picks a target to heal, and then keeps healing that target until it is full HP, and only then does it switch targets. This caused one of my turrets to die when both would have lived. I looked through the code to see if it would be trivial to add the logic for triage repair (IE: repair the lowest HP target first) but I didn't find an obvious place to put the code. It seems more like you add turrets into a FIFO queue and repair them in that order. Something only gets removed from the queue when it's max HP.

I am aware that a search like this would have a devastating UPS impact in linked scenarios where repairs can hop turrets. Personally, I was always going to deploy each repair turret as an isolated item. 100 repair packs last quite a while, and if upkeep becomes too big of a pain, I can just run a train to resupply everyone.

I noticed one other thing that didn't make any sense to me. Repairing the same target seems to cause repair ticks to happen around 3x faster (when fully upgraded) than repairing a different target. IE: repairing the same target gets ~3 repairs per second, but if it switches targets there is around a 1 second delay between shots. Why? Is that intentional?

4 years ago

I might change how the target finding and logic works, and at that point might make it be a little smarter.

For now it works the way it does for simplicity and performance

4 years ago

Ok I fixed things now, so they will repair the things with lowest health in their range, and should update more consistently

4 years ago

Woo hoo! Thanks.

New response