Realistic Power

by Kenira

Revamps energy production and consumption to be more realistic (harder) and splits accumulators into two types: very high capacity with low power, and low capacity with high power. To be used with Clockwork for longer (4h - 24h) day / night cycles.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0

g combined cycles

4 years ago

Hi, just some suggestions:
i would love to see an actual gas-turbine, not boiler. And also the possible usage of excess heat from that turbine to do a combined (and two-staged) gas-steam-cycle, like used in reality ;). I am searching for this quite long actually... So would be great to this in some mod! Also a miss the excess-gas-cleaning processes like sulfur filters, as well as carbon capture and storage to reduce pollution.

Great mod btw! :)

4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions, those are all good ideas but at the same time not trivial to implement. Mostly this mod changes some balancing; adding new entities and processes frankly is out of scope.

I could swear i saw a more realistic steam cycle in some mod, but i don't remember where...

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