Revamps energy production and consumption to be more realistic (harder) and splits accumulators into two types: very high capacity with low power, and low capacity with high power. To be used with Clockwork for longer (4h - 24h) day / night cycles.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2024-10-24 Changes: - updated for factorio version 2.0 - Added tint to the High Power Accumulator icon and entity to distinguish it from the regular Accumulator - Added a different tint to the drain icons for both accumulator types to make them distinguishable from the accumulators they belong to
Version: 1.2.3 Changes: - fix players joining in multiplayer will reset time to midnight
Version: 1.2.2 Changes: - fix crashing upon mining accumulators in certain situations
Version: 1.2.1 Changes: - hotfix for third party mod support
Version: 1.2.0 Changes: - be careful updating an ongoing game! changed the way the mod balances power requirements - fuel value higher, but generators (like steam engines) produce less power - you need more generators but fuel consumptions will be the same - solar buffed to compensate, also added solar multiplier setting - updated for factorio 1.1.0 - added Clockwork support (no longer multiplies capacities from both mods) - Clockwork is now the recommended mod to use for changing the day cycle length - fixed conflict with Space Exploration
Version: 1.1.2 Changes: - fix conflict with OSHA Wind Power - fix capacitor accumulator being unlocked if you load an old save with RP
Version: 1.1.1 Changes: - fix conflict with Nixie Tubes and Santa's Nixie Tubes
Version: 1.1.0 Changes: - update for 0.18
Version: 1.0.18 Changes: - update Changelog formatting for viewing it ingame, for real this time - fixed liquid fuels did not get their fuel values adjusted (for mods that have burnable liquid fuels)
Version: 1.0.17 Changes: - fix conflict with Diesel Locomotives mod - update Changelog formatting for viewing it ingame
Version: 1.0.16 Changes: - fix conflict when using adamo carbon, InfinityMode and/or RealisticReactors
Version: 1.0.15 Changes: - fix conflict with compilatron roboports added in 0.17.53
Version: 1.0.14 Changes: - update for emissions stat being renamed to emissions_per_minute internally with 0.17.29
Version: 1.0.13 Changes: - fix conflict with Realistic Electric Trains
Version: 1.0.12 Changes: - added requirement for version 0.17.23 for the last fix, since mod version 1.0.11 won't work with any previous factorio versions
Version: 1.0.11 Changes: - fix for renaming of technology electric-energy-accumulators-1
Version: 1.0.10 Changes: - updated for 0.17 - removed adjusting stack sizes for when playing with bob's mods or yuoki
Version: 1.0.9 Changes: - broke the whole mod with the last patch, fixed that. sorry about that
Version: 1.0.8 Changes: - fixed conflicts with LTN, and scanning radar
Version: 1.0.7 Changes: - fixed conflict with stacking beltboxes for bio industries
Version: 1.0.6 Changes: - fixed conflict with science cost tweaker (circular dependance of nuclear power and high tech science pack research after an update)
Version: 1.0.5 Changes: - fixed conflict with Modular Armor mod
Version: 1.0.4 Changes: - added support for Geothermal
Version: 1.0.3 Changes: - added compatibility with Pyanodons Coal Processing / Fusion (nerfed turbines, made Fusion technologies more expensive)
Version: 1.0.2 Changes: - moved settings from config file to ingame mod settings - can now be added to existing games without the need to do anything
Version: 1.0.1 Changes: - fix conflict with Realistic Reactors
Version: 1.0.0 Changes: - added setting for toggling steam engine cost increase in case marathon or similar mods / settings make the early game too slow (does not affect other item costs like nuclear reactors, turbines etc)
Version: 0.1.1 Changes: - fixed conflict with Yuoki Industries
Version: 0.1.0 Changes: - updated for 0.16 - accumulator drain no longer proportional to energy stored due to optimizations in 0.16. by default now half of what used to be max possible drain
Version: 0.0.9 Changes: - updated for v0.15 - nuclear mods temporarily not supported (not updated to 0.15)
Version: 0.0.8 Changes: - small bugfix and other small changes - fix power of sciencecosttweaker labs
Version: 0.0.7 Changes: - cleaned up code, should also be compatible with most mods now - fixed pollution production
Version: 0.0.6 Changes: - small bug fix
Version: 0.0.5 Changes: - added support for Bob's mods (all solar panels need wafers by default, toggleable in config), Angel's mods and Flow Control - overhauled most of the code
Version: 0.0.4 Changes: - decreased Reactors steam turbine cost and updated for Reactors v1.6 - decreased steam engine cost - added support for Yuoki
Version: 0.0.3 Changes: - accumulator drain proportional to energy stored - reduced wind turbine cost - increased steam engine cost - support for some mods added (Reactors, Nucular, Uranium Power, Bio Industries, Useful Space, Lighted Electric Poles, Concrete Lampposts, Afraid of the Dark, Additional Turrets)
Version: 0.0.2 Changes: - raised solar panel production to 5.4kW - raised fuel values to only halved - raised stack size of high capacity accumulators to 100 - fixed drain by adding new entity that consumes power - using interface of DayNightExtender for no manual changes needed any more
Version: 0.0.1 Changes: - solar panel nerfed to 4.5 kW. slightly cheaper recipe - basic accumulator has much higher capacity / lower power output - new low capacity, high power accumulator - accumulators have drain to simulate self-discharge - steam power nerfed (power halved, fuel values quartered) - most entities consume less (half) the energy