Realistic Power

by Kenira

Revamps energy production and consumption to be more realistic (harder) and splits accumulators into two types: very high capacity with low power, and low capacity with high power. To be used with Clockwork for longer (4h - 24h) day / night cycles.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Lua Error when updating some mods

5 years ago

When i got Factorio started, i forgot to update the Adamo Carbon mod, and forgot to add the Infinity Mode mod. Then i do the things i've forgot and started the game, but there comes an LUA error:
311.875 Error ModManager.cpp:1323: Falha ao carregar o mod "RealisticPower":RealisticPower/functions.lua:24: bad argument #1 of 3 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'match'
RealisticPower/functions.lua:24: in function 'multiply_number_unit'
RealisticPower/data-final-fixes.lua:320: in main chunk

5 years ago

I'll try to reproduce the bug without these two mods that i've downloaded...

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Would also be helpful to know the minimal mods that this error occurs with. Do you get the error with the only mods installed being Realistic Power, Carbon and Infinity Mode?

5 years ago

yup, when i removed the Infinity Mode, Realistic Power worked fine

5 years ago

I was testing some blueprints for an nuclear reactor by using Adamo Carbon fuels and Realistic Power physics together with the Realistic reasons (and to test some other mad scientific things...)

5 years ago

Sorry it took a while, but should be fixed now

5 years ago

Thanks man
I was playing G.T.A. S.A. again, now i'm back to Factorio.

5 years ago

Not a man, but you're welcome

5 years ago

I'm still 17, aaaalmost a man

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