Realistic Fusion Power

Adds a new way to produce energy through nuclear fusion. Fully compatible with K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

a month ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [Fixed in 1.3.7] K2 Vehicle and equipment issue

4 years ago

With the replace K2 power on anything that needs K2's d-t cell or antimatter cells can't get it due to being uncraftable. The Spidertron and personal reactors being the main example.

I know you are still working on K2 support but I felt this is an issue that would need addressing.

4 years ago

Fixed in 1.3.7, didn't notice that the spidertron consumes D-T fuel. Personal reactors only worked without the RTG mod (which, if you have Krastorio 2, you should uninstall anyways), fixed that too.

4 years ago

With K2 alone it now works however with K2+SE AAI Industry which is required is overriding the changes. I already made a post about this on Slasherbane's compatibility mod. I don't use the RTG mod as SE has it's own.

Also would it be possible to dynamically make it so other mod that has K2 as a dependency for fusion and antimatter cells be able to use the RFP cells. I use a few of these as well. The one I have are Insectitronics, Spidertron Extended (which also overrides the changes for the regular spidertron), and Krastorio 2 - Additional Locomotives (this one also needs antimater cells).

Thanks for making this work with K2.

4 years ago

Isn't K2 incompatible with SE?

4 years ago

Actually K2 is the only big overhaul mod currently supported by Space Exploration. Both mods have a number of tweaks to make them work with each other.

4 years ago

Oh, I see. I've never played SE, so it's propably up to the RFP+SE patch maker to fix this.

Also would it be possible to dynamically make it so other mod that has K2 as a dependency for fusion and antimatter cells be able to use the RFP cells?

Propably yeah, I'll look into it.

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