UPS improvement
I would prefer if the pipe explosion check was done when the magnetic pipe is placed instead of when the fluid is actually inside the iron pipes
This would reduce UPS impact.
Antimatter disabled by default
Most people have no reason to need more power than fusion, and when I first saw this mod I was originally turned off because of the huge tech tree.
Add flow_color and base_color to all fluids
All the fluids in this mod are black.
It would be nice if these properties were defined on all fluids so that barrels and pipes would look better.
UPS impact is already almost none, it doesn't use more than 0.2 UPS with the default 16 pipes per tick in the debug menu. Also, what do you mean by "if the check was done when the magnetic pipe is placed"? It has to check fast enough if each non-m. c. pipe has any plasma/antimatter in it, and if it does then it has to make it explode.
It's turned on by default because people don't usually look in the mod settings so they wouldn't even know it exists.
All of the fluids have a flow_color and a base_color already set.
I suggested that pipes could explode when they are placed next to the magnetic pipes using various on_built handlers instead of on_tick. 0.2 isn't a lot of time, but it still adds up with other mods
Maybe these properties are set, but all the barrels in this mod are pitch black