Rampant, fixed

Based on Rampant 1.1.1 (new AI and enemies). 1. Perceptibly more dangerous. AI significantly rewritten, gameplay different. Can attack from afar. Improved search for a passage in the defense. By default, it does not populate the entire map. 2. +2 Factions. Can mutate existing nests. Mixed attacks from different factions. Can be combined with nests of other enemies

4 months ago

g I think I'm a bit out of my league

1 year, 11 months ago

Is it possible to edit some .lua files (on my side I mean) so that some subpopulations of biters are much rarer, namely Wasps and Suicides? I'm losing the game as these two are a significant problem to me. The option to not have them is only at startup, so I can't just ask to not have them anymore in an ongoing game, right? I can probably cope with the ones generated, if this is still a solution.

A side remark on Wasps, they have a general issue somehow. Given the turret algorithm, the wasps drones are targeted first because closer, and thus the wasps spiters generating them are not hit in priority...

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)


if settings.startup["rampantFixed--waspEnemy"].value then
constants.FACTION_SET[#constants.FACTION_SET+1] = {
type = "wasp",
tint = {r=1, g=1, b=0, a=1},
tint2 = {r=0, g=0, b=0, a=1},
acceptRate = {3, 10, 0.1, 0.15},

If you change "acceptRate " values from ..0.1, 0.15} to ..0.01,0.015} , then the probability of this faction appearing with subsequent mutations will decrease by 10 times.

But I must warn you that wasps are one of the most harmless factions. By lowering its probability you will make the game harder

1 year, 11 months ago

Really? They really pose me a large issue, as my turrets chew a lot of ammo before being able to kill the wasp-spawners.
I saw this section in constant, but it was written as "settings.startup", so I thought it was read at startup and not dynamically?

Thanks for your fast answers anyway, this is very appreciated

1 year, 11 months ago

Perhaps if the game is heavy at current settings, it is worth lowering the level of enemies in the startup settings:
If set this "World: Ending enemy level (recommended = 5)" value to 4, the biter's health will be greatly reduced, but they will still pose some danger to standard turrets

1 year, 11 months ago

It feels like one of two situations takes place: either there are few turrets (like 3-4 ), or very heavy pollution

1 year, 11 months ago

What really helped me was shock turrets, which are basically early electric laser turrets: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShockTurret
It's also part of my (Warning, shameless plug) combat/turret modpack: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Combat-modpack

1 year, 11 months ago

Thanks, the ShockTurret seems a bit too good to me though, basically it is a replacer of the standard turret, but without ammo?
I have added Alien Loot from Schall, though with a reduced reward, as a way to compensate partially all the expenses I have in ammo.

1 year, 11 months ago

Electricity is a form of ammo, but I will respect your stance of it not being true ammo. I tried searching for the mod you mentioned, Alien Loot, and am unsure what exactly you're referring to. May I ask for a link?

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