
by Veden

Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields (pheromones) allowing probing of defenses, retreats, reinforcements, counterattacking, breaching, raids, rallying death cry, and player hunting. Uses blockable biter projectiles. Adds new Enemies which can be disabled in mod settings. Difficulty setting in mod options menu.

1 year, 5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g new enemies problems and a few other questions

6 years ago

A great mod! Big work.
I have a few questions. Looked through first 3 pages in discussion and didn't find any clues.
1. When turning on 'World: Enable new enemies' Factorio starts to use 9-10 Gb RAM and is very fun and hard from very beginning (every 5 or 10% evolution), but if I load some old save with 96% evolution (played to that point with no Rampant mod), then it lags a lot and at some point completely hangs with no crashes/errors. I'm afraid the same can happen with a fresh new play at some point. If I use Rampant mod, but with 'no new enemies', then game works great and fun - base is under heavy attack and destroyed in 10 minutes without lags.
2. Can I make new enemies to be not so hard till evolution of 70%-80%? Only config lua file?
3. Why do enemies attack labyrinth walls (even with no 'new enemies' enabled)? Is it by design for enemy AI to fight vs such player's strategy?

6 years ago
  1. I would recommend reducing the number of variations in the mod menu to reduce the RAM load. The lagging and hanging sounds like you are running out of memory.
  2. Reduce the scalers in the startup mod settings around the new enemies something like 0.8 for a 20% reduction in the stat. Then play until you want the enemies to be harder then increase the scaler back to the original value.
    Another option would be to adjust the enemy level in the mod settings.
  3. The labyrinth is something that doesn't work because how the commands are assigned to the biters.
6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Thanks for reply!
1. No, I have about 3-4Gb of free physical RAM when game completely freezes. I suppose this is because in that gamesave I have a huge discovered territory with a lot of nests - they are out of visible area and out of pollution fog, but as I understood your mod they do act and prepare attacks. When save is loaded your script takes about 20 seconds to do something before game starts. Lagging is very heavy before freeze - my char can't run uninterrupted. I'll re-check processes in RAM during freeze.
3. So you mean that labyrinth won't help in Rampart because biters AI attacks any player's objects on the way?
4. Another question: for new enemies one of factions or may be one of biters type in some factions is throwing mines as a range attack. It is funny, but eventually attack wave of that faction ends always with one weird thing: 1..3 biters stay out of turrets range and throw mines at my outside walls, turrets detect mines and destroy them (as a result outside walls are kept undamaged), so it goes in neverending cycle till turret is out of ammo (if it's not laser turret) - is it by design? To stop it I have to run to those biters and kill them myself.

6 years ago
  1. How many mods are in your save? If it isn't in the 100's of mods then can I get a copy of the save?
  2. Correct, the player objects are targeted.
  3. Are you using Natural Evolution Enemies? That sounds like NEE.
6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)
  1. You catched my idea :) Just re-tested - it's not Rampart, but Natural Evolution Enemies causes the lag, and it is caused not by RAM consumption, but CPU (in my case it's i6600) resource is not enough. I suppose it is the option 'end-game biters search' vs too much nests and biters on discovered territory. I'll investigate the problem further and report to mod owner. I'm sorry.
  2. -
  3. Ok, looks like outposts will have serious problems if railroad elements and electric poles protection to be unset in your options :)
  4. Yes, looks like it's Natural Evolution Enemies again. Not sure. I'm sorry again for not testing enough.
6 years ago

no worries at all, thank you for reaching out.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

two more questions:
Does Rampart reduce biters expansion, or in particular is it reduced by some options besides Migrate AI and turning off Vanilla AI? I have MirationAI as 'on', Vanilla AI is 'on'. Evolution is over 35%. And so far I've seen no new nests ever. I set big start zone, but cleaned some nests beyond that zone and still no new hosts. In Vanilla at some evo% (as I remember it was 15..25%) biters start aggressively occupy free quadrants, even in starting zone.
I use Rampart+Bob's enemies+warfare+AlienLoot. No RSO, no natural evolution mods. I turned off 'trigger attack on player proximity' and OnslaughtAI to survive early game. Biters waves are strong enough, but as I see these are far away pollution triggers and some raiding parties only. No expansions.

Is it ok, that at evo 25..30% I see sometimes (not often) neutral soldier spitter with 1400 health? Shouldn't such animals appear somewhere closer to 60%? Game shows in hint, that it is Rampart's monster, not Bob's enemies creation. I play with Bob Warfare and without its sniper turrets (or similar mods) I hardly imagine someone survive in singleplayer under such pressure. Is some data table info available for Rampart's biters like NEE has?

6 years ago

the expansions only happen 5% of the time when the ai is in aggressive mode, so it is not a frequent thing. I may need to increase the expansion rate.

What do you have the enemy level set at?

6 years ago

AI is very strong and aggressive even without expansions when pollution cloud reach nests (and I have a pure desert map) and without cause from time to time as you described in other threads. So I don't worry about no new nests for now. Hope they will come later.

10 variations for nests and worms, 14 variations for units. Beginning and end levels are set as 1 and 10 accordingly. Evolution is a little over 40% and I see a lot of units with more than 3000 health (for some factions). For example Electric Overlord who has 3242 health, 11.6decrease/13% phys resistance. All units scaler is set as default = 1. All factions are enabled.
Attack wave difficulty setting is 0.6 (planned to keep it low till nuclear power / bots, etc)

6 years ago

With the enemy level max set to 10, I would say everything is working as intended.

Once biters reach level 10, they will be at ~30000 HP.

I would recommend something like this to help keep up or any other weapon mod like bobs.

6 years ago

I see. Yes, I'm using bob's warefare (it's sniper turrets make up the basis of defence, because Rampant biters have very big ranged attack damage values). Will look at RampantArsenal. Thank you.

4 years ago

For me the mod cant load and error shows up, and i have to disable it

4 years ago

This tells me nothing, please add more information.

New response