Rampant Arsenal

by Veden

Adds a variety of weapons to wage war. Adds Additional Turrets, Ammo Types, Landmines, Equipment, Capsules, Walls, Vehicles, Infinite Technologies

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
6 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.6 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
153K users

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Rampant Arsenal

Adds a variety of weapons to wage war. Adds Additional Turrets, Ammo Types, Landmines, Equipment, Capsules, Walls, Oil Burner, Vehicles, Infinite Technologies


YuokiTani - for turret sprite sheets

Graphics License


Forum Post



Advanced Laser Turret - Shoots an electric beam that pierces through enemies and does AoE damage.
Lightning Turret - Able to shoot beams at many biters at once.
Cannon Turret - Shoots cannon shells that that works with standard cannon ammo.
Rapid Cannon Turret - Shoots cannon shells at a high rate of fire.
Shotgun Turret - Shoots shotgun shells for cone AoE damage.
Capsule Turret - Shoots poison, slowdown, grenade, cluster grenades, landmines, distractors, defenders, and destroyers
Advanced Flamethrower - Shoots flame at many biters at the same time.
Rocket Turret - Shoots homing rocket projectiles.
Rapid Rocket Turret - Rapidly Shoots homing rocket projectiles.
Medic Turret - For healing the area surrounding the turret
Gun Turret MkII - For when gun turrets need more damage, range, and rate of fire
Rifle turret - For a tier 0 turret for before you have completed any research
Reactive Mending Walls & Gates - When they take damage they emit a repair cloud around themselves
Reinforced concrete walls and gates
Power Armor Mk 3
nuclear train
stronger car and a nuclear
stronger tank and a nuclear
Oil burner for generating electricity

High Explosives: landmines, grenades, bullets, rockets, shotgun shells, cannon shells, and artillery shells
Incendiary: landmines, grenades, bullets, rockets, shotgun shells, cannon shells, and artillery shells
Bio: landmines, grenades, bullets, rockets, shotgun shells, cannon shells, and artillery shells
Nuclear: landmines, and artillery shells

Mortar - for large range player combat using the capsule launcher ammo
Minigun - for an upgraded version of the smg with increased damage, range, and rate of fire
Health Capsule - Restore Health of the user
Speed Booster Capsule - for early game speed boosts
Upgraded Rocket Launcher - Increased damage, range, and rate of fire

Belt Immunity Equipment
Personal equipment tier 3 generator, battery, shield
Personal defense cannon, shotgun, lightning, bullets, and slowing equipment

Napalm - for an upgraded liquid to be used in fluid turrets

Adds Infinite Technology for the characters health
Adds Infinite Technology associated with each turret type and ammo type

Version History

Version: 0.16.7
Date: 9. 6. 2018
- Added a stronger tank and a nuclear option that uses uranium fuel cells both have equipment grids
- Added a stronger car and a nuclear option that uses uranium fuel cells both have equipment grids
- Added a nuclear train that uses uranium fuel cells that has an equipment grid
- Added Oil burner for generating electricity from oils
- All Equipment grids share equipment, mobility based equipment is disabled when appropriate
- Added Belt Immunity Equipment
- Added Power Armor Mk 3
- Added Reinforced concrete walls and gates
- Added tier 3 generator, battery, shield
- Added Personal defense cannon, shotgun, lightning, bullets, and slowing equipment
- Added infinite tech for increasing player health
- Increased Gun Turrets 2 from 75 science to 250 science
- Added (Fuel value, emission multipler) to: Light oil (0.75MJ, 2), Crude Oil (1.15MJ, 4), Heavy Oil (0.5MJ, 3), Petroleum-gas (1.75MJ, 1.5), Napalm (1.25MJ, 4.5)
- Added stats to uranium fuel cell (150% acceleration, 110% top speed, 3 emissions multipler)
- Added emission multiplier to solid fuel 0.75, rocket-fuel 1.5, coal 2, nuclear-fuel 4
- Added 8x8 equipment grid to car, cargo-wagon, fluid-wagon
- Added 10x10 equipment grid to tank
- Added 12x12 equipment grid to locomotive
- Added 16x16 equipment grid to artillery-wagon
- Increased nuclear fuel stack size from 1 to 10
- Changed ammo category of personal laser and discharge defense so they get laser damage and speed bonuses
- Added electric, posion, laser resistance on modular armor, power armor, and power armor mk2
- Increased power armor mk2 acid resistance (decrease, percent) from (10, 40) to (15, 50)
- Added posion and electric resistance to wall, gate, mending wall, and mending gate
- Changed battery to accumulator and advanced circuit to processing unit in advanced laser recipe
- Changed mending gate recipe to mending wall and advanced circuits from gate and repair-capsule
- Decreased wall and gate laser resistance from 70 percent to 30
- Fixed mending wall and gate build order in GUI
- Increased equipment solar panel equipment from 10kW to 30kW

Version: 0.16.6
Date: 1. 3. 2018
- Fixed bio artillery shell having having 100 ammo per item
- Fixed landmine stack count

Version: 0.16.5
Date: 1. 6. 2018
- Added tier 0 turret for before first turret research
- Added Reactive Healing Walls and gates that when they take damage emit a repair cloud for themselves and immediate neighbors

Version: 0.16.4
Date: 31. 5. 2018
- Upgraded Rocket Launcher icon and ammo type fix
- Actually updated advanced flamethrower turret fluid consumption to 12/s

Version: 0.16.3
Date: 26. 5. 2018
- Added mortar for mobile capsule launching
- Added launcher capsule damage into grenade damage technology
- Added capsule launcher damage technology
- Added Health Capsule for healing
- Added Repair Capsule for AoE repair
- Added Speed Boost Capsule for faster earlier game movement
- Added Minigun with a slight damage bump and range over submachinegun
- Added Napalm liquid for flamethrower turret upgraded liquid
- Added Launcher Capsules for all new capsules
- Added High Explosives landmines, grenades, bullets, rockets, shotgun shells, cannon shells, and artillery shells
- Added Incendiary landmines, grenades, bullets, rockets, shotgun shells, cannon shells, and artillery shells
- Added Bio landmines, grenades, bullets, rockets, shotgun shells, cannon shells, and artillery shells
- Added Nuclear landmines, and artillery shells
- Added Upgraded gun turret for extending the life of bullet turrets
- Added Medic Turret for healing around the turret when enemies are present
- Added High Explosives technology branch
- Added Regeneration technology branch
- Added Incendiary technology branch
- Added Bio technology branch
- Added Upgraded Rocket launcher with a slight damage bump and range
- reworked grenade and cluster grenade laucher ammo
- Increased Cluster Grenades total damage from 245 to 1575
- Doubled uranium cannon shells damage
- Increased explosive uranium cannon shell area from 4.5 to 8.5
- Increased advanced flamethrower turret fluid consumption from 9/s to 12/s
- Increased shotgun turret range from 18 to 20
- Increased capsule turret range from 30 to 32
- Increased capsule turret damage modifier from 100% to 300%
- Increased capsule turret cooldown from 150 to 350
- Moved Slowdown and poison capsule from Military-3 to Military-2
- Moved Piercing shotgun shells from Military-4 to Military-3

Version: 0.16.2
Date: 25. 5. 2018
- Added landmine damage technology
- Added artillery damage technology
- Added artillery shell damage technology
- Shotgun turret tech now requires military-1
- Increased lightning tower damage from base 20 to 180
- Increased advanced laser power requirement from 80MW to 700MW
- Increased advanced laser cooldown from 120 to 240
- Increased advanced laser drain from 75kW to 150kW
- Fixed prerequisites for shotgun damage from cannon to shotgun turret

Version: 0.16.1
Date: 25. 5. 2018
- Fixed missing setting error

0.16.0 -
- Initial Release