
by Hermios

Connect rails to electric and signals circuits, and use electric trains

3 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g How to contribute?

6 years ago

I would like to contribute some Graphics for the Signal Pole and fix the "Unknown Key" Error of it.

6 years ago

Hi yokmp
Many thanks for your help.
I gladely accept for the Graphics. For the unknow key, don't bother, I will change it myself (But you can translate in other languages, if you wish). I'll publish it with graphics.
So, if you take the graphics from my mod, then replace with yours (Pay attention to the position of each element, very important), it would be great!
Then, just send it through... as you want, a filesharer on the internet, the forum of Factorio... Give me the link and I'll include it in the next release
Many thanks in advance

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

A mockup:
The Entity facing doesn't match the Rails. It will align to the direction from where a Pole is connected. However, the Entityghost seems to respect the Railfacing. Weird.
Should i add a Pole to it?

Edit: It shows that it powers the Speaker but it doesn't.

6 years ago

Yes, indeed, I have no control on the direction of the pole, as it depends on the connections on it (And obviously, I cannot change it, despite the fact that the attribute is writable). So, the best would be to have a symetric pole. If you cannot, well... I'll have to modify the mod, to add an extra entity... Ok, I admit, quite annoying! So... hem, if you can do without, I prefer :)
I don't know what you call the entityGhost, there is none in the new version. The prototypeConnector is deleted when the pole is installed, and it has to be so, otherwise, there are side effects (The protoypeConnector is based on rail signal, and even if I deactivate it, it continues having impact on trains).

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

New Version:
I've found three bugs:
- it's not possible to quick select a Railpole with Q
- the Pole shows a shadow of the Cables even when not connected to a Powerpole and it faces always the right side (I forget to make a screenshot)
- Cable color seems to be random (last picture)
The Rails show the same color behaviour. If its not fixable then maybe they need some new Graphics too?

6 years ago

Hi yokmp
Sorry for the late answer, I was quite busy
- What is the Quick select with Q? I never heard of it and it does nothing on my game with normal rails
- I see what you mean. This is quite weird. I think it is because have cable connections inside the pole. You can create a shadow of the pole itself, that will match with this point.
- Cable color, you won't be able to do anything for that, as those are generated by the game. The color is related to the cable in front. A solution could be to separate the cables. If you can design a pole with a connector for each cable (for instance, a circle on the tope of the pole), I'll be able to change the code for it.
For the rails... same solution (But it will take a lot of time to do so). In any case, I need your new graphic to reevaluate the positions of the cable endpoints.
Many thanks for your help

6 years ago

Where can i upload the Files?

For the Wireconnector you could use

circuit_connector_definitions["pole-name"] = circuit_connector_definitions.create
{ variation = 26, main_offset = util.by_pixel(16, 16), shadow_offset = util.by_pixel(18, 28), show_shadow = false },

just a guess ;)

6 years ago

You can use a website to send the files (Usually used for big files, but who cares), or maybe through a post on the forum.
Thankss for the wireconnector tip, I'll try that! Let you know...

6 years ago


I think you should be able to download the File (the xcf File from Gimp, an icon and the entity image).

6 years ago

Hi Yokmp
This is very nice, I will update it tonight!
I found a solution for the shadow (Unfortunately, there is no "circuit_connector_definitions" for entity electric-pole, that I use for the rail pole), so they disappeared.
I load it in a sec!

New response