Rail Logistics Dispatcher

by Viidi

Adds a dispatcher (building) to automate railway logistics based on provide and request stations. Has intuitive interface. Was inspired by LTN but went a different way.

27 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains

b [FIXED in 2.0.6] Error during copy station

a month ago

The error appeared when I copied a train loading station when it was active for a train request (turquoise color) and installed it through a ghost

Error while running event RailLogisticsDispatcher::on_robot_built_entity (ID 14)
RailLogisticsDispatcher/script/entity.lua:507: attempt to index global 'disp' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
RailLogisticsDispatcher/script/entity.lua:507: in function 'entityHandleBuiltDispatcher'
RailLogisticsDispatcher/script/entity.lua:629: in function 'entityHandleBuilt'
RailLogisticsDispatcher/control.lua:87: in function <RailLogisticsDispatcher/control.lua:84>

a month ago

Hi. Thank you for the bug report.

I fixed this in 2.0.6.

With the same action, you should now see a message like "Wrong settings for dispatcher: ..." instead of a crash. If you don't mind, write down what the error will be.

New response