Rail Logistics Dispatcher

by Viidi

Adds a dispatcher (building) to automate railway logistics based on provide and request stations. Has intuitive interface. Was inspired by LTN but went a different way.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains

g "Request" mode has the wrong input value

2 years ago

Hi, I think I found another bug.
When I input a request, (Ex, 2000 iron ore), the dispatcher will give 2x the negative value of what it should be (-4000 iron ore) in the input port
I believe this is intended to match what is in "Requests and Supplies" (-2000 iron ore)

This effectively makes the station request double the amount when connected to chests.

Links are to image example.

Thank you

2 years ago

Hello, thank you for feedback!

That's right, it shouldn't be. Has this behavior always been there? At all stations? Maybe something came before?

I had this when I renamed the mod before publishing. Apparently the problem is not related to this.

Can you share the save file?

2 years ago

Hello, thank you for feedback!

That's right, it shouldn't be. Has this behavior always been there? At all stations? Maybe something came before?

I had this when I renamed the mod before publishing. Apparently the problem is not related to this.

Can you share the save file?

Yes, as far as I recall, this has been at all stations.
Actually, now that I look a bit closer, it seems like when i connect it to something else with wire (eg electric pole), the connected wire will show as the correct value. But the actual input port on the dispatcher has the incorrect x2 value.

Yes, I can definitely share a save.
I am using some other mods during my testing
Hope this helps

2 years ago

Thank you very much, I looked.

This is not a bug, but a feature :) It's a joke.

In fact, this is not a bug, but an implementation feature. Just ignore this information on the right. And then I'll see if I can hide it.

To see what's there and how to input and output, use the pillars.

A little about why. Factorio does not allow modders to create entities from scratch. Some existing entity is always taken and changed. In my case, you see a light bulb, but in fact it is an arithmetic combinator (this is necessary so that the dispatcher has two wire connection points).
Moreover, I can’t just send a signal to the wire connection point. To do this, a hidden constant combinator is created, which I can control, and is connected to this light bulb with both wires - green and red. And by connecting to the light bulb, you connect to the network with this combinator. I don’t know which wire you will connect to the light bulb, so there are both wires between the light bulb and the constant combinator.
From the point of view of the factorio, my light bulb is a combinator and a signal from a constant combinator gets to its input with both wires and the readings are doubled. Within the logic of the mod, I take this into account. But I cannot remove or change this information on the right.

I wrote with the help of Google translator, I hope for understanding.
Have a nice game!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hmm I see.
As I understand you have a setup like this:

                x green wire x

Dispatcher..........................constant combinator
x red wire x

which you need since you don't know which wire we will use. This causes repeated signal

It is possible to make another hidden combinator that is already connected?
Something like this:
arithmetic combinator (set to input all and output all) <- Player will input here
x green/red wire x (connect both)
Dispatcher...................................constant combinator

I think this way should help avoid the signal repetition

Edit: I think there is a formatting issue with the website.
I will get some more screen shot to make clear what i mean

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Actually, I just tried testing in the game.
You do not need to do this. An arithmetic combinator will accept both wires, and the negative signal from one combinator
will still cancel out the positive signal from a different one. It doesn't matter which wires are used. So I think you shouldn't need to repeat the wires from your hidden combinator?

It seems this behavior will only apply on combinators, unlike on electric poles/other entities.

2 years ago

The problem is that the negative signal must not only be read by me, but also transmitted to the network. Even from the input port. Logic can also be tied to this.
If it were not necessary to transmit a signal, then I could calculate it myself inside the mod.
And that doesn't solve the issue at all.

If done on any one wire, it will be non-obvious and not in the spirit of factorio.

The combinator itself (which is a light bulb) is not used as a combinator, but only as a blank for an entity.

New response