Radioisotope thermoelectric generator, as known as RITEG or RTG. The starting power output is 600 kW, the half life about 12 hours.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [fixed] Mining Used-Up RITEGs returns fuel items with damage

4 years ago

Unlike the previous discussion thread, I let all my RITEGs run to depletion. When I mined them, I got the "used up RITEG" and also got some "used up uranium fuel cells". The problem is that all those fuel cells had "damage=24%", and they would not stack with non-RITEG-produced used up fuel cells in the centrifuge. The logistics network does not segregate items by damage, so I had to manually separate the fuel cells with damage and process them separately.

Is this the intended behavior? Is there any way to give fully-used-up (no damage) items when mining fully-depleted RITEGs?

4 years ago


New response