Quick Map Tag Teleport

And you may find yourself in another part of the world... Open a dialog by right-clicking on the map view. You may create a tag/icon or teleport to that location. Based on Quick Map Tag https://mods.factorio.com/mod/QuickMapTag by templar4522 and by Tag To Teleport https://mods.factorio.com/mod/TagToTeleport by darkfrei

a month ago
Transportation Environment Cheats

g Keyboard shortcuts?

a month ago

Can you confirm what hotkey combination is used to teleport to the tag? Tag to teleport used to be CTRL+{the number you had named the tag}

a month ago

This functionality is not there yet. Keep an eye on the changelog. I plan to get started on it over the weekend.

I plan on making it work a bit differently than before. I miss having the feature of hot keys but I didn't like how you had to keep your own notes on what went where. So I want to have some sort of display on what destinations are stored and a way to delete/edit.

a month ago

@DannySeager Sorry the latest release, v0.1.1, does not have any shortcut features. I had to fix a few other things first.

I will be working on the shortcuts this week though, so it won't be long. Thanks for your patience!

4 days ago

Any plans to implement keyboard shortcuts? Very useful feature, and we missing it.

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