
Pymod edition of a Sea Block style game

1 year, 4 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Is this a skill issue or balance is completely broken since 2.0?

7 months ago

I remember pre-2.0 pyblock being surprisingly reasonable in terms of difficulty. It used to be tough, but fair.

Now I can't get past the early game because just to start automating belt production I need an ungodly number of fawage farms (we're talking hundreds of them to build 1 belt per second) and that infrastructure itself requires so many belts that it stops making sense.

The iron situation is really tough but at least I see the light at the end of the tunnel. The copper situation is just borderline unmanageable: the soot route is extremely inefficient, everything else is blocked by building even more infrastructure that, you guessed it, requires more copper (for inserters).

I don't remember exactly what I did early game pre-2.0, but I don't remember it being anywhere this wild.

7 months ago

Update: ultimately I just decided to roll a map that has a copper patch near the start. It provides enough resources to create the self-sustaining copper loop.

6 months ago

I agree about the copper situation. Without finding a copper patch, I would have quit the game. Once the copper production runs (or rather trickles) smoothly, the game is fine again!
The next thing I am worrying about is the zinc and aluminium production. For now I only have the very inefficient soot recipe and it seems like it takes some investment to get to a better recipe. But I don´t know yet if this is really a problem.

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