Power Overload

Performant, semi-realistic power distribution overhaul. Power poles can explode if the total electrical consumption on the network is too high. Use transformers to separate networks so that subnetworks do not take more power than they can handle.

29 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Fixed-1.4.6] Error while loading recipe prototype "po-small-electric-fuse"

2 years ago

Hello. Someone posted a compatibility issue when Power Overload, Space Exploration and Sosciencity are installed.


What I think happens is this: Sosciencity currently enforces explicitly set main_products for all Recipe prototypes it touches (so all, because it's iterating them to look for some specific), because I found that manipulating them with implicit main_prototypes is pretty bug-prone.

Then your mods seems to replace the product of the recipe with another - without looking if that previous one is set as the main_product.
(What role Space Exploration plays in this I don't understand. With just Power Overload and Sosciencity, everything seems to work fine.)

I will update my mod to not make changes to prototypes if it's not necessary. But it might be worth for your mod to check this case. :)

2 years ago

Oh that's the error message, I forgot.

Error while loading recipe prototype "po-small-electric-fuse" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Recipe has invalid main product small-electric-pole. The product does not exist in the recipe product list.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thanks for investigating, I can push a fix for this later today. The difference with SE may be just be because of load order.

1 year, 11 months ago

Fixed now in 1.4.6, thanks for passing on the report!

New response