Power Armor MK3+

Bigger, better power armors; with a bigger grid (14x14)/(20x20) and larger inventory bonus (+50)/(+60), also adds various equipment and alternatives to light and heavy armor with inventory bonus (+10)/(+20).

4 days ago
0.14 - 2.0
Combat Armor

b Can't disable armor MK4

5 days ago

The setting to disable Power Armor MK4 currently has no effect.

4 days ago
(updated 4 days ago)

I just double checked this myself and it seems to work fine, do you have any other mods that may be interfering? Or does someone already have one in their inventory/equipped before the setting was changed? For clarification the setting disables and hides the research, it doesn't delete the item outright from the game.

4 days ago

That's the thing, I am reporting because it only hides the research.

4 days ago

This isn't really a way to completely remove individual items from the game, but I think I see where I missed a point, are you referring to the item showing up in filters and such?

4 days ago

Either way I think I have it sorted now, update incoming.

4 days ago

Yes, the item still exists and shows up in other places, the thing is that when I disable items it's in part because I want to reduce the game footprint.

I know in this case it's one item, but still.

Thanks for the update.

New response