Power Armor MK3+

Bigger, better power armors; with a bigger grid (14x14)/(20x20) and larger inventory bonus (+50)/(+60), also adds various equipment and alternatives to light and heavy armor with inventory bonus (+10)/(+20).

3 days ago
0.14 - 2.0
Combat Armor

i Language fix

4 years ago

Hello from Russia! There are errors in the Russian translation. A personal battery that is written in russian "Личный аккумулятор", and the translation simply says Battery "Аккумулятор". Can you add the word Personal "Личный" at the beginning, it will look more correct and correspond to the vanilla names. Also in research it is called Battery "Аккумулятор", and in vanilla - Battery Module "Аккумуляторный модуль", please correct.
Shielded Singularity sounds terrible in Russian "Экранированная особенность", and more pleasant translation from Shielded Singularity will be "Экранированная сингулярность".
And thanks for the great mod! I inserted 25 exoskeletons and run like sonic all over the map)

4 years ago

No worries, I think I've got it sorted out. I'm struggling to find an appropriate translation for "Fusion battery" though, was thinking about using "слияние аккумулятор" or "термоядерный аккумулятор", if you have something better please let me know. I've also changed the Shielded Singularity as you suggested. Either way thanks for the feedback. Glad you're enjoying the mod.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I looked at the full English names of the modules. In my opinion, the battery would sound better as a continuation of the vanilla battery "Personal battery MK3". Although there is another opinion as in this discussion: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Power%20Armor%20MK3/discussion/5dbb22aa3d0f50000c437baf
If translate "Fusion battery" from your translation, then in theory, if you take real analogues, then this is like a thermonuclear battery and in Russian there will be a "Термоядерный аккумулятор"
Also, Shielded Singularity could be renamed the Thermonuclear Reactor, it sounds more believable and logical (although the game does not claim to be special realism, and the future is the future, who knows what technologies there are). But here it is up to you to decide what to call it, I only express my opinion.
And the question about mod settings in the settings, how to research Shielded Singularity if the Shield MK3 is disabled? Will there be varieties of crafting when the Shield MK3 and Battery MK3 are disabled, or each separately? For example, if Shielded Singularity requires 10 Batteries MK3 and 20 Shields MK3, then replace them with 100 Batteries MK2 and 200 Shields MK2. How do you like this idea and can it be done?
Proposal for research costs, why are more than 1 flask used for modules? You can do research on 1 flask of each type and increase the number of these flasks. For example, for Armor MK3 the need is Red1 Greed1 Black3 Blue2 Yellow2 х200 and make Red1 Greed1 Black1 Blue1 Yellow1 х400. And add the Violet flask on Armour MK3, because then the meaning disappears from the Armor MK2, it turns out the passage armor that you can not do.

4 years ago

Alright I think I got all the bugs worked out, looks like the only way currently to properly disable any item/tech is to either start a new game or "/c game.player.force.reset()". I've play tested both Fusion battery and Energy Shield MK3 disabled in various combinations and the recipe for Power Armor MK4 and Shielded Singularity changes as appropriate.

I've implemented the various changes to the Russian locale but I may have screwed something up in my tired state, feel free to have a look at the actual locale files in the mod folder if you like, I still need proper translations for the [mod-setting-description] portion and I frankly don't trust machine translations to do a good job for me.

Thanks again for the feedback and translation work, I'll add your name to the appropriate places as a contributor when I upload the next version.

4 years ago

Here is the correct translation into Russian as much as possible "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QiM_nNQAsWn5JfPb5aRF30dt0RTEG9_g". I also added the text in [mod-setting-description].
Glad I could help)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thank you kindly sir, I'll drop the file in now and update sometime soon, I'm hoping to add/change a little more than just one file but I'll do it regardless within the week. Also it looks like you may have used the old locale file from 0.2.16, I added a few lines to reflect the changes in 0.2.17. Specifically these lines:

pam3-esm3=Disables Energy Shield MK3 equipment and alters singularity equipment recipe if checked. (requires new game or technology reset)
pam3-bm3=Disables Fusion Battery equipment and alters power armor MK4 recipe and singularity equipment recipe if checked. (requires new game or technology reset)

Everything looks great though, thanks again.

4 years ago

Added a couple of new lines to "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zZfn9PXPw82QW1LfnJSbahnQ3omgJMty". I really used version 0.2.16 last time.
If you will add something new or change the old, do not be shy and write to me, I will translate. Anyway, this is my only installed mod)
Good luck and don't get sick!

4 years ago

Nice, I've got it all done on Github, ready to be rolled out whenever I get around to it. Thanks again for the help, I'll certainly drop you a line when I add or change stuff in future.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi again! Found a bug, with the modules turned off, they are still displayed in the logistic request slots.
I tried to fix it by resetting the research but it did not help, this is already an error in the code.
And so how to research Shielded Singularity with the shield and battery turned off?

4 years ago

Fixed the issue with tech prerequisites, not much I can do about the logistic request slots though, not that I'm aware of anyway.

New response