"I just need to place one mk7 sludge squeezer over here... dangit I don't have room in my toolbar for mk7 sludge squeezers, so I'm gonna have to use them from the giant inventory/crafting screen, ugh."
Has that ever happened to you? Is 10 toolbar rows not enough for the PyAL suite? Do you just not want to use the toolbar all the time? Are you tired of placing items from the inventory?
Then I have the mod for you!
This mod catalogues all placeable items that exist in your inventory and creates a quickbar-inspired interface to use them from!
Video showing the mod in action
In remote view, it will show items you had in your inventory, but put ghost items in your cursor instead. You can click the same button multiple times to cycle between quality levels.
Example of remote view
You can change the width of the interface, collapse it, change between two modes: Normal and "Quickbar Mode"
In "Quickbar Mode"(shown by the lil circle becoming orange), the bottom of the window is locked (you can still drag the window around though), allowing you to effectively 'pin' the window to the bottom of the screen or above the quickbar.
Oh! I forgot to mention the hotkeys this entire time!
Ctrl+P: Collapse/uncollapse the Placeables window
Ctrl+Shift+P: Close/open the Placeables window
New feature by request: Option to have the buttons on the left side of the window is now a thing!
Thanks to everyone in the #mod_making channel in the Factorio Discord for answering my nonstop questions, including but not only Therenas, raiguard, and justarandomgeek. Without everyone there this mod wouldn't have even began.
Changelog now shown on the changelog tab :)
Menu icon from the GUI Unifier mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/GUI_Unifyer