
I do a lot of Factorio stuff. My premier mod is Factory Planner, which I'd love for you to check out. Besides modding, I'm responsible for the great team at Alt-F4, which is definitely worth a read. If you want to learn GUI modding, I have a neat tutorial for that too.

Feel free to join my Discord to talk to me about stuff. If you want to support me, you can buy me a figurative coffee on ko-fi. Thanks!

Mods by Therenas

Factory Planner

This mod allows you to plan your production in advance, specifying the recipes and machines that make up each assembly line. It provides powerful features that are fast and intuitive to use, so you can focus on actually building your factory.

9 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

Assembly Analyst

This mod allows you to select certain areas of your factory for analysis, revealing what your machines are spending their time on. This will help you pin-point bottlenecks in your designs more easily.

15 days ago
0.18 - 2.0

Simple Adjustable Inserters

Adjustable inserters without the kitchen sink: Enables rotating the pickup point by 90°; dropping items on the far or near side of a parallel belt; and dropping them left or right onto a perpendicular belt. No research, no GUI, no complications.

4 months ago

QuickBar Import/Export deprecated

Allows you to export your current quickbar and import it in a different save.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

Choleric Cars deprecated

Your ride doesn't appreciate your driving style.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1