Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Dense Integrated Storage Kludge: A removable data storage device for circuit networks holding 512 circuit frames.
Self-sealing stem bolts are, as their name suggested, stem bolts that seal themselves.
ConMan allows ordering construction and deconstruction via circuit networks. Supports ordering individual constructions, or whole blueprints.
A set of general utility combinators. Includes: Location Combinators, Bonus Combinators, Research Combinators
Removes wires from poles in the selected area. Normal select to remove copper wires from poles, shift-select to remove all wires from everything.
An implementation of Debug Adapter Protocol for mods. For use with the associated vscode extension. This is a developer tool, not meant for actual gameplay. It is intentionally desync unsafe. Do not use it in multiplayer.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Lua libraries for use by other mods and submods that are parts of a larger mod.
Boodals's lua profiler for identifying performance intensive parts of mods, wrapped in a mod for convenient cross-mod requires. This is a developer tool, not meant for actual gameplay. It is intentionally desync unsafe. Do not use it in multiplayer.