Version up of previous mod by Xalos:
Adds a new equipment module for armor which allows the player to recharge their armor by being in an electric network - or powering the electric network instead.
Each personal transformer module is a 2x2 module, and supports a 200 kW/1MW/4MW charge or discharge rate. The module does not generate or store energy on its own, so batteries are necessary if you want to power an electric network with this module. However, any module with an internal energy buffer (such as energy shields, personal laser defenses, and personal roboports) can be charged directly from an electric network without any batteries/solar panels/fusion reactors/etc...
Two new toggle buttons are added to the toolbar. One for allowing power into the armor, and one for allowing power out of the armor. Input, Output, or both can be enabled simultaneously. If the 'Input' button is not enabled, power will not flow into your armor. If the 'Output' button is not enabled, power will not flow out of your armor and into your power network.
By default, the equipment does not work in vehicles/trains. There is a setting to enable that.
Startup settings to determine what the flow rate of power to/from the network for each personal transformer level. So you can customize each tier to your hearts content.
Compatible with Space Age DLC.
Compatible with Space Exploration mod.
Special Thanks:
Xalos - for the original mod
Luna_KB_Lunatic - for updating some of the art assets
Pi-C - for answering all my questions
Yam - for testing
kaseyawolf2 - for finding and fixing the multi-network memory leak.
Elec - for finding and providing a fix for Compact Circuits crash and compatibility.
FelixRuin - for providing RU localization and bringing the icon graphics inline with the base game.