To color your vehicles individually, install DMV - Directionally Moving Vehicles!
Oil-Based Paint
Improves paint colors! Increases darkest possible black, and brightest possible color saturation on all entities that can be painted, so:
- The Engineer
- Car
- Tank
- AAI Warden - Mask Retexture included!
- AAI Ironclad
- AAI Flame Tank
- AAI Laser Tank
- Hovercraft
Cargo Wagon
Fluid Wagon - Requires Fluid Wagon Color Mask!
Train station
Gun Turret
Flame Turret
Laser Turret - NEW electrical plugs are painted!
Spidertron remote
The color palette is your oyster now! But some colors may appear TOO SATURATED! Like 255 of a single color.
Oil-Based Paint has negligible effect on performance, and does not affect loading times!
Oil-Based Paint is great for color-coding Trains based on contents!
Compatible with FactorioHD!