Adds slight and deliberate improvements to already known mechanics and rewards the players use of extra infrastructure versus just giving a reward without any mental cost (more module slots).
An alternative way to extend late game by introducing High-Temperature Refining, Smelting and balancing nuclear overall
- Introduces cheaper technology to be able to start buffering/processing uranium before actually using nuclear
- Makes nuclear itself more expensive
- Makes Uranium rounds easier to obtain to compete with Laser Turrets
- Reduces the cost of nuclear fuel reprocessing
- Adds Refinery Recipe that requires super heated steam for more products
- Adds Nuclear Furnace that takes heat pipe input that has an equivalent productivity of 5/4 (1.25)
- Nuclear Furnace can take productivity which pushes productivity for smelting to 1.5
- Nuclear Furnace recipe craft times increased to slow down furnace to vanilla equivalent prod speeds
- Nuclear Furnace has much higher equivalent energy consumption so that nuclear fuel processing requirements are greater.
- Steam Engines upgrade to Steam Turbines
- Steam Boilers upgrade to Heat Exchangers
- Steel Furnaces Upgrade to Electric Furnaces (But exactly same cost of electric furnaces is kept)
- Electric Furnaces Upgrade to Nuclear Furnaces with Processing Units and Refined Concrete
Subject to change