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Nuclear Furnace

Nuclear Furnace with nuclear fuel makes smelting much faster; the mod adds special "burnt extractor inserter" for removing "used up uranium fuel cell" from this furnace.

11 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Add modules? Heat fueled? Mod compatibility?

4 years ago

-->I'd like to suggest adding module slots so that we can put modules in it to increase productivity(make it a little more efficient). 3000 smelts/fuel is 8GJ/3000 = 2.67MJ per smelt. That's more than half a piece of coal per item.
-->Perhaps it could be fueled by heat instead of nuclear fuel. You'd still need a reactor to make enough heat for it to work, but this way you could still get neighbor bonus at least while using up your nuclear fuel.
-->Plutonium Energy mod adds MOX fuel. It'd be nice to be able to use that with the nuclear furnace. Is there any possibility to add it to the accepted fuels?

4 years ago
  1. This furnace must be pretty ineffective, but compact, fast and cheap(?). So, more than one coal per smelting is a good price.
    Here can be added new furnace: bigger, slower and more effective version, are you think that such furnace will be better alternative for you?

  2. Heat furnace mod: Heat furnace, may be also with
    Heat Processing

  3. Plutonium Energy must be compatible, not tested in 0.18. See dependencies

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