Non-Wave Defense 2

This mod is derived from the (.16/.17) official WaveDefense scenario mode. Get funding to upgrade technology by killing biters.

1 year, 7 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Remote interface

3 years ago

Why remote interface isn't accessible in the mod?

3 years ago

I didn't expect anyone to use it. The mod was changed drastically as I was programming it.

What would you like? I can look into, basically, re-enabling what was there (I never considered bringing it back)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

ignore this v_v

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I'm adding in a bunch of other things, because OH BOY will this mod not work in multiplayer right now :D

3 years ago

Oh, I just thought about integration with other maps like TD etc...

3 years ago

I updated so hopefully it isn't horribly broken. I'm not likely to add much more to this (incorporating into other mods, etc), but I'll definitely fix bugs and may add extra compatibility for other mods.

3 years ago

Welp, I'll try it when I continue making scenarios.

New response