Non Wave Defense

by Lunzir

This mod is derived from the official WaveDefense scenario mode. Get funding to upgrade technology by killing biters. 这是从官方场景模式“异星格勒保卫战”提取出来的功能,通过击杀虫子获得资金升级科技。如果你玩过那个模式,你就知道这个mod是干啥用的。在原基础上添加了一些可升级的科技。可以与当前科技叠加效果

5 years ago

g Save file ballons

5 years ago

Had a test going and the save file script.dat ballooned to 200meg over night with additions from just this mod. wonder if something could be optimized to change how this is saved to prevent that. disabling the mod opening and re-saving cut the settings file back to its normal size.

5 years ago

Had a test going and the save file script.dat ballooned to 200meg over night with additions from just this mod. wonder if something could be optimized to change how this is saved to prevent that. disabling the mod opening and re-saving cut the settings file back to its normal size.

Oh really? Let me check!

5 years ago

I did a serpent on script_data because I have been making changes, and gui_elements adds tons and tons of buttons - each definition is only a few lines, but for my game which hasn't been very long, there's over 1480 button entries. There should only be less than a dozen at all times. I'll try to look into it.

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