This mod is derived from the official WaveDefense scenario mode. Get funding to upgrade technology by killing biters. 这是从官方场景模式“异星格勒保卫战”提取出来的功能,通过击杀虫子获得资金升级科技。如果你玩过那个模式,你就知道这个mod是干啥用的。在原基础上添加了一些可升级的科技。可以与当前科技叠加效果
七日杀模式,每第七天虫潮就会发动进攻,九种难度选择。I know you knew this game. This is a game mode like 7 Days To Die. Every seventh night, a swarm of biters begin to find you. There are nine difficulty options to challenge.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Adds more turrets and shells. 这mod我在0.17.69环境测试修复的,基于原来基础上完善了大部分东西,已汉化。
Mods introducing new content into the game.