Non Wave Defense

by Lunzir

This mod is derived from the official WaveDefense scenario mode. Get funding to upgrade technology by killing biters. 这是从官方场景模式“异星格勒保卫战”提取出来的功能,通过击杀虫子获得资金升级科技。如果你玩过那个模式,你就知道这个mod是干啥用的。在原基础上添加了一些可升级的科技。可以与当前科技叠加效果

4 years ago
This mod 5 From other mods 7
Dependency types:
Default 5 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 4 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 362K
base >= 0.17 -
bobenemies 238K
Explosive_biters 57.3K
Cold_biters 53.1K
Natural_Evolution_Enemies 14.0K
Last dependency data update: 23 hours ago (for v0.17.2)