Natural Evolution Enemies

Adds new Enemies to the game. 5 new biters and 5 new spitters, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. If you want a more of a challenge than what Vanilla can offer you... Compatible with Rampant and Bob's. Recommended to use with NE Buildings

1 year, 5 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Problem with Rampant mod

6 years ago

Started a new map and got an error related to the mod Rampant. This thread suggests that NE enemies is the cause of the error with Rampant:

Might be worth looking into if compatibility is important.

6 years ago

Thanks for letting me know.
I've added a quick fix in 9.0.1

6 years ago

Currently the new spawners won't spawn with Rampant. He needs to add compatibility for it to work..

6 years ago

Thanks TheSAguy.
Great mods! Thanks for all your hard work!

6 years ago

If you delete the lines 41 through 44 of data-final-fixes.lua in the RAMPANT mod, it will be compatible :)

for _, unitSpawner in pairs(data.raw["unit-spawner"]) do
if ( ~= "biter-spawner") then
    unitSpawner.autoplace = nil 
6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I would not recommend that, as it will cause other issues in the mod around the new enemies with region/base management.

A new version of Rampant should be available now.

6 years ago


New response