Mining Space Industries deprecated

This is a story driven mod, like a campaign with lots of challenges, now enhanced with Space Exploration. Your team was hired by MSi (Mining Space Industries) with a purpose: extract mineral riches from a distant planet. But you had a terrible accident when landing. Will you be able to accomplish the task you were hired for?

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Error on load with lots of other mods

5 years ago

What other info do you need?
Error ModManager.cpp:1294: Failed to load mod "Mining-Space-Industries": Mining-Space-Industries/data.lua:4: Mining-Space-Industries/prototypes/recipe.lua:7: attempt to index field 'normal' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Mining-Space-Industries/prototypes/recipe.lua:7: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Mining-Space-Industries/data.lua:4: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
Mining-Space-Industries/data.lua:4: in main chunk

5 years ago

Please try the new version

5 years ago

Installed new version. Error is now.. line 41? rather than 7?

Error ModManager.cpp:1294: Failed to load mod "Mining-Space-Industries": Mining-Space-Industries/data.lua:4: Mining-Space-Industries/prototypes/recipe.lua:41: attempt to index field 'normal' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Mining-Space-Industries/prototypes/recipe.lua:41: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Mining-Space-Industries/data.lua:4: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
Mining-Space-Industries/data.lua:4: in main chunk

5 years ago

Please list all mods you are using.

5 years ago

Its only when I try to enable py mods with my mod list that these errors happen. My list is... large.. I'm not quite sure how to list it all without typing out every mod by hand.

5 years ago

I need to know your mods, so I can download them and test here. Ah least py mods you said. Maybe a screenshot or something

5 years ago

How about a save to sync to?
So effectively what I am trying to do is add py mods to the mods on this save
However this causes wonderful errors to pop up from other mods.
I resolved the heavy water icon issue per this thread
I'm also running into the error with MSI noted above and with MSI removed an error with Space Exploration.
Aren't mod bugs !!!FUN!!! ?
So ya, the bug might not have anything to do with your mod but I do appreciate you taking the time to help sort it out.

5 years ago

Sometimes a mod change so much itens/recipes/tech that it makes it incompatible with other mods. I will check if it is possible to work a solution for msi

5 years ago

What Py mods caused the error ? I have loaded your save and synco mods ok.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

That save doesn't have pymod enabled. Try to enable the py family of mods (and the pycoal touched by an angel patch mod) and it all just kind of breaks catastrophically.

I can't say I tried going through one mod at a time and loading them. Actually you know what. I'll do that right now.

Py industry fails to load (icon size error)
Disabled seablock mining
Py Industry loads
Py coal fails to load with py coal touched by an angel (Missing recipe)
Disabled Angels Smelting Extended
Py coal fails to load with py coal touched by an angel (Sand icon size error)
Disabled deadlock SE compatibility (reported issue to their page)
Py coal with touched by an angel loads
Py Fusion energy loaded
Py hightech fails to load. Reported error is MSI and is the error originally reported in this thread.

5 years ago

I've fixed all the issues related to that save changes pyht made to circuits and some other issues I already missed. I'll be updating pycoaltbaa soon. If you can just set msi to have an optional dependancy on pycoaltbaa it will take care of it.

New response