
by Wiwiweb

Keep track of your progress in a fun way by finding out how fast you created key items. Look back on your factory's history, compare with your friends, or challenge yourself. Supports any list of items and comes with presets for popular big mods. Can be added to existing games.

28 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Milestone times are lost when changing forces

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

In my singleplayer Space Exploration game, milestones keep getting lost. I figured out that this is because I'm using Editor Extensions' testing lab feature, which changes my force to one that has everything researched when I enter the lab. When I come back out of the lab, the milestones are reduced to estimates:

Even if I "lock in" a time, it will be turned into an estimate when I enter and exit the testing lab. I understand that this is likely an intention optimization, with the mod deleting milestone data for forces that no longer have any players. But since I'm the only player, it's being overzealous in its data savings.


  • Install Editor Extensions
  • Create a new world
  • Go into mod settings -> player -> Editor Extensions -> set "testing lab" to "personal"
  • Achieve a milestone
  • Note that the time is correctly tracked
  • Press ctrl+E to enter the lab, then back out of it by pressing ctrl+E again
  • Refresh the GUI
  • Note that the milestone is now an estimate

It's super sad because I absolutely adore the idea of this mod. I hope it can be fixed before I get too much further!

3 years ago

Though I never tested it, this mod was built with forces in mind, so changing forces should work. This is a straight up bug.

I think the bug is that on_player_changed_force initializes the milestones for the force without checking if the force already has some. I will test it with your mod. Thanks!

3 years ago

Turns out there was a second bug involving newly created forces, because I wasn't deep_copy'ing a table that I should have. Grateful for that flib method by the way.

Anyway the issues with forces should be fixed now. I was able to go back and forth between freeplay and EE's testing lab and see the milestones change with the UI open.

Let me know if you run into more issues.

3 years ago

Confirmed fixed, thank you!

New response