MT Heaters deprecated

Burn Solid and Liquids to create heat, convert electric to heat, Melt certain ores to molten state to then cast

7 months ago
Manufacturing Power

i Allow Productivity in Chemical Plant recipes

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hello! First off, this mod is a ton of fun! I was hoping we could use productivity modules in the Chemical Plant for the recipes that turn molten metals into intermediates (Iron Plates etcetera). I understand that this would throw a wrench in the way your liquids are efficient as 2 copper ores -> 3 plates, but that could probably be rebalanced. Just my 2 cents.

Edit: I see this would be a bit more complicated considering casted wire and gear that are allowed to have productivity on them... my suggestion would mean that method is inferior to ores -> plates -> wire/gear in terms of efficiency. I'll leave my suggestion here but it clearly is flawed and would require more forethought before it'd be a solid (pun (not) intended) addition.

Edit2: Perhaps a second tier of processing would be better, such as casting molten metals into ingots at the chemical plant, which are then further processed in furnaces into plates. I forgot to add in my initial suggestion that my suggestion would be more mod-friendly considering some mods don't have copper wire or iron gears, so laying down productivity further into the "production line" such as chemical plants and/or furnaces, would mean the base materials apply to more modded ingredients and so those mods would benefit from productivity that way.

I get that this might not be in the vision of your mod, so feel free to take all of this with a grain of salt.

Edit3: This should probably be a separate discussion topic, but since I've already made my post here:
Consider increasing the crafting time of products (And requirements/results proportionally). Currently plates are crafted at 0.2 seconds without any speed modules in the machine or beacons. There's a hard limit that the engine can handle (1 craft per tick, so 60 per second at 60 UPS) and your recipe is getting dangerously close to the limit when fully beaconed without the use of any other mod that adds faster chemical plants, modules or beacons. The other reason is that it would be more performance friendly to be slower; you drain fluids less often (but for a higher amount to keep the balance).

So for example, you could just "x10 craft time, x10 input, x10 output" which means your balance remains unchanged while increasing both mod compatibility and performance.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

(sorry about being unresponsive for some time, there has been many game updates for other games)
Theres the heater stuff which was the original intent for the mod, and for some reason I decided to add molten casting later in the mod. The molten casting stuff is more undeveloped

some recipes cannot have productivity since there is productivity with the foundary, a concept that I mite end up doing is revamping the smelting of the game with molten casting, (basically replacing vanilla smelting).
The foundary also has no pollution due to heat power source, eventually I hope to counter this pollution debuff

this mite be upcoming (havent started on it) with processing like this, take this with a grain of salt because it is a big endever and would require a new mod:
Quarries -> ore chunks -> ore sorters -> foundary -> electrolyser -> Mixers (if any) -> casters -> craft things from ingots
.................................................................................................-> Blast furnace ->

new deposits that replace the old, they act like finite oil deposits that output ore chunks (impure)
Ore chunks:
impurities, can be crushed and sorted into ores such as haematite and malachite
super heats crushed pure ore to be put put in an electrolyser (mid-late game) or blast furnace (early-mid game)
can be crafted into plates, gears, wires etc
for alloys, mixing of other molten ores and additives (coal etc)

2 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I really like having new ways to expand resource production and unlocking those with new researches, so your plans are appealing to me. The idea of expanding production chains is absolutely exactly the heart and soul of Factorio.

I'm enjoying this mod as it is right now, so thank you for that. I wish you good luck and fun on that mod if and when you decide to work on that. I'll certainly be trying it out.

New response