LuaCombinator 3 Fixed

by hlgl2

LuaCombinator3, fixed for 1.0

3 years ago
Circuit network

g original wont get updated

3 years ago

thanks for taking over, good to see people loved the mod so much

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I'm sorry to hear that you won't work on your mods anymore. I'm not very good in lua, so i won't be adding any new features or be able to fix complicated bugs. At least it works for the time being...

3 years ago

I gotta say that these Lua Combinator mods were my favorite ones among all factorio mods, as they extended automation potential from basic combinators tremendously, just like with a leap from manual construction to templates for robots.
Thank you a lot for making these, game would've been much less fun without them.

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