Logistic Network Channels

Adds communication channels to logistic networks. Logistic entities can be assigned to different channels, and will only form a network with other entities on the same channel. This allows for creating separate logistic networks in areas where they would normally overlap and be merged by the game into one network.

3 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistic network

i Numeric textfield for channel selection [Resolved]

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi Ceresward, Thank you for this mod! I'm trying out how to work this into various subnetworks and noticed the slider is sometimes a little buggy. Is there a possibility to add a textfield with numeric input to change the channels that way if preferred? (the mod still works in 1.00 btw). Downloaded the friendblueprints mod too as per your own suggestion, and am still hoping you could update this to include the channels on the blueprint. If that doesn't seem like it will ever work, is there any possibility selecting a channel before placing the entity as an option? Looking forward to your reaction.

3 years ago

Hi argonacypher, glad to hear you're enjoying the mod! Good suggestion with the numeric input, I'll add it to the roadmap.

It's been a while since I've looked at channels on blueprints...life keeps me pretty busy but I'll try to find time to take another pass at it...

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thank you for your replay @Ceresward, and good luck! I understand a little of modding, but I can see how it is a daunting task. One more suggestion while I'm at it (not sure if or how this could be implemented): changing channels or interacting with all channels of your personal roboport, so it doesn't only interact with channel 0.

3 years ago

Personal robo will likely only ever be able to interact with one channel at a time. But maybe there could be a way to change which channel it uses at will, maybe from the inventory menu or something. I'll look into it.

3 years ago

awesome man! would be really cool (and useful)

3 years ago

Good news; version 1.0.10 now has a numeric input for changing channels, as an alternative to the slider :) I also tweaked the slider's styling a bit, to hopefully make it easier to use.

New response