Legendary Space Age

In development, not fully playable yet. Overhaul modpack for Space Age veterans seeking a new challenge.

a day ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
2 months ago
Latest Version:
0.10.0 (a day ago)
Factorio version:
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291 users

This is a modpack/mod for people who beat Space Age and want a fresh challenge. The goal is to add substantial content and deep challenges to vanilla Space Age, while staying close to vanilla in spirit.

Still in development, not fully implemented yet. Current version is unbalanced and unfinished, and the next mod update will make breaking changes. But you're welcome to try out the current version and give feedback or ideas.

Implementation progress:

  • The first 70% of the game's content is mostly implemented - this includes Nauvis up to rocket silo, space platforms, Vulcanus, Fulgora, and Gleba. There are more planned features that are not implemented yet.
  • Past red science (first ~2 hours of the game), no playtesting or balancing has been done yet. There may be softlocks.
  • Content after the 3 inner planets hasn't been implemented at all. This includes "Nauvis part 2" (after Vulcanus/Fulgora/Gleba) and also includes Aquilo and beyond.


  • 10+ new buildings, 200+ new recipes, and rewrites of almost all existing recipes.
  • Apollo, a new moon of Nauvis. Build telescopes on the rims of mega-craters to produce lunar science.
  • New space map featuring 5 asteroid belts. Visit all of them to make asteroid science, or punch through them to ship cargo between planets.
  • There are no good sources of metals on Gleba. Build borehole mining drills to extract tissues from the planet's innards. Grow tubules from chitin broth and appendages from geoplasm, then stick them together to make machines. Farm boompuffs, slipstacks, and stingfronds. Launch premature wrigglers as missiles, or throw boompuff sacs like grenades.
  • On Vulcanus, hydrocarbons and liquid water are in short supply. Arc furnaces heat up as they craft, gradually gaining massive speed and productivity bonuses, but must be kept constantly running. Build fluid control circuits to mix different temperatures of molten tungsten.
  • Fulgora has no oxygen - which explains why the oceans haven't caught on fire. Charge batteries and ship them between islands. Grow fulgorites, breed electrophages, and fight off robotic enemies.
  • Modules have been removed. Instead, there's 4 colors of circuits (including new white circuits) which you need to prime to give them powerful bonuses. Primed circuits will spoil back into non-primed circuits, so you need to build systems to automatically insert and remove them from beacons.
  • There's a system of "factorized" intermediates that allows many alternative recipes for each building. Make pipes out of copper, yellow belts from wood and steel, circuit boards from ceramic.
  • Overhauled petrochem system - two harvestable resources (crude oil and natural gas), four main fractions (heavy oil, light oil, rich gas, dry gas), plus syngas, tar, pitch. Burn fruit to make syngas, then turn the syngas into oil fractions. Run your trains on barrels of diesel, or run your furnace lines on propane. Extract methane from asteroids, feed it to methane-eating microbes, then process them into light oil for missiles.
  • Science packs are unlocked by achieving production rate targets. To unlock green science, you have to produce 1 sensor per second, averaged over 5 minutes.
  • Lots of other stuff: shotgun turrets, early construction bots, filtration plants, gas vents, liquid waste dumping, char furnaces, etc.

The diagrams above are outdated. They were made before I added the "factor intermediate" system, air separation, borehole drilling, char furnaces, circuit priming, etc.

Credits and attributions:

  • Malcolm Riley for graphics - github.com/malcolmriley/unused-renders - Used icons for many new items and techs.
  • Factorio building graphics by Hurricane046 - shorturl.at/AFcDm - Used graphics for the borehole mining drill, circuit primer, superclocker, filtration plant.
  • Space Exploration by Earendel and others - mods.factorio.com/mod/space-exploration - Using graphics for telescopes, by including the Space Exploration graphics mods as dependencies. (Also later probably space belts, maybe more.)
  • Snouz - Graphics for flare stack, silicon wafers.
  • Cannon Turret mod (mods.factorio.com/mod/vtk-cannon-turret) by VortiK, from original mod by AmbulatoryCortex, original graphics by YuokiTani, graphics improvements by JavitoVk and snouz. I'm using the graphics for LSA's shotgun turrets, and also adapted some code.
  • Flare Stack by GotLag, snouz, and others - mods.factorio.com/mod/Flare%20Stack - Used graphics and code.
  • Battery Powered by harag - mods.factorio.com/mod/battery-powered - Charger/discharger graphics, code, ideas.
  • Apprentice Assembler by Quezler - mods.factorio.com/mod/apprentice-assembler - Copied the code from this and modified slightly to apply the effect to arc furnaces. Relies on Beacon Interface mod also by Quezler - mods.factorio.com/mod/beacon-interface
  • Beacon Rebalance by wretlaw120 with some spritework by Sir-Lags-A-Lot - mods.factorio.com/mod/wret-beacon-rebalance-mod - Using high-res old-beacon graphics and code.
  • Gleba crop mods by LordMiguel (slipstacks, boompuffs, stingfronds) - Took ideas and bits of code for the Gleba crops.
  • Carbon by ElAdamo - mods.factorio.com/mod/carbon - Stole several ideas for the petrochem system, plus some code and graphics.
  • Biochemistry by Tenebrais - mods.factorio.com/mod/biochemistry - Electrophage graphics, and ideas.
  • Finely Crafted Machine by plexpt - mods.factorio.com/mod/finely-crafted - This is code for using Hurricane's graphics above. Copied deep drill, maybe more later.
  • Lunar Landings by Xorimuth - mods.factorio.com/mod/LunarLandings - Apollo icon. Also using some ideas, such as ice nodes and telescopes on lunar mountains.
  • PlanetsLib - mods.factorio.com/mod/PlanetsLib - using for cargo-drop techs and orbit graphics.
  • Alatar's Rocketry - mods.factorio.com/mod/alatar-rocketry - Using graphics for asteroid belt icons.
  • Starmap: Solar-System by Tserup - mods.factorio.com/mod/Starmap_Solar_System - Using graphics for asteroid belts on space map.
  • Krastorio 2 by raiguard and others - mods.factorio.com/mod/Krastorio2 - Using imersite deposit graphics.
  • Some images generated by Midjourney. Some images edited by Google Gemini.

Only ideas taken:

  • Galdoc's Manufacturing - mods.factorio.com/mod/galdocs-manufacturing - Stole the idea of having intermediate factors with multiple recipes, though I'm simplifying it.
  • Roc's Rusting Iron by thesixthroc - mods.factorio.com/mod/Rocs-Rusting-Iron - for rusting iron idea, and idea for sulfuric acid derusting from NOiZE.
  • Meifray's condenser turbine proof of concept - mods.factorio.com/mod/condenser_turbine_proof_of_concept - for the idea.
  • Fulgoran Sludge by Tatticky - mods.factorio.com/mod/fulgoran-sludge - Sludge idea.
  • RateBasedResearch by tomlee - mods.factorio.com/mod/RateBasedResearch - Idea of gating techs with production rates rather than amounts.
  • Industrial Revolution 3 by Deadlock989 - mods.factorio.com/mod/IndustrialRevolution3 - Some general ideas used, like rubber, glass, cryogenics, battery charging, starting with shotguns and shotgun turrets, etc.

This mod as a whole is under GNU GPLv3 because it uses some graphics from other mods that are GPL. Code or graphics produced entirely by me can be used under MIT license.