Solidified Fluids (for Factorio 2.0)

[Beta for Factorio 2.0] Fill liquids into bottles and use them directly in recipes instead of liquids

a month ago
Logistics Fluids Power

b Liquify Lava?

5 days ago

With Factorissimo 3 you can solidify lava and ammoniacal solution with a Borehole Pump in space.
Factoripedia shows that you can liquify the solidified lava/ammonia with a Chemical plant, but the recipe is not shown as an option. I also tried the chemical plant in space.

I'd like the bug to be on the liquify recipe side, not the fact that you can actually solidify lava and ammonia...makes for an interesting play style :)

Factoripeda recipe:
No recipe for liquify lava in chemical plant:


4 days ago

lava is already a liquid.

What does this have to do with Factorissimo 3?

This mod makes by default, only liquids that can be filled into barrels are supported. although the generator generates all recipes in principle, but these are disabled.

4 days ago
(updated 4 days ago)

lava is already a liquid.
Yes, but only on Vulcanus. I want to use it on Nauvis, as I have tons of power there. Currently, I ship molten iron/copper to Nauvis.

What does this have to do with Factorissimo 3?
I'm assuming the Borehole Pump is causing the solidify craft to be created since there are no barrels. Oddly it is only available in space.

This mod makes by default, only liquids that can be filled into barrels are supported. although the generator generates all recipes in principle, but these are disabled.
So I guess the solidify lava should be disabled as well, although I'd vote for the liquify to be added :)

3 days ago

I don't know exactly what you expect.
if you realy want any liquid into a solid (bottle, jelly cubes or whatever we use ;-) and visa versa then install Kux-SmartLinkedChest
This is the mod for which I am currently customizing Kux-SolidifiedFluids

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