Kuxynator's Smart Linked Chests

Alternate expandable Crashsite Logistic using smart linked chests. - UPS optimized logistic for mass transport - tries to be not overpowered as the (hidden) native linked chest. - highly configurable

30 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Storage

g Crash of game when clicking on a chest

a month ago

Given inventory does not have filters.
stack traceback:
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/control.lua:34: in function <Kux-SmartLinkedChests/control.lua:32>
[C]: in function 'get_filter'
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/modules/Chest.lua:269: in function 'getFilterFromChest'
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/modules/FilterFromSource.lua:124: in function 'endAdd'
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/modules/FilterFromSource.lua:108: in function 'set'
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/control.lua:31: in function <Kux-SmartLinkedChests/control.lua:29>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/control.lua:29: in function 'fnc'
Kux-CoreLib/lib/EventDistributor.lua:164: in function <Kux-CoreLib/lib/EventDistributor.lua:159>

Kux-SmartLinkedChests v3.0.17
Kux-CoreLib v3.14.1

Steps to repoduce:
...describe which steps you have done before...

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

i need more information

Steps to repoduce:
...describe which steps you have done before...

it's not there for nothing ;-)

has a mod changed the chests?

a month ago

When placing a surface smart chest and using an inserter to transfer items from the smart chest into an iron chest, closing the GUI of the iron chest and reopening it causes the error to appear. No changes have been made to the mod settings. Will be checking through an early save to see if this still happens with an earlyer save.

a month ago

Not having the issue in a new earlier saved game. Was possibly an issue with existing save

a month ago

the error only occurs if you insert properties from incompatible chest (Shift+LeftClick) (its a paste_alt event)
I have added an additional check

New response