Alternate expandable Crashsite Logistic using smart linked chests. - UPS optimized logistic for mass transport - tries to be not overpowered as the (hidden) native linked chest. - highly configurable
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 3.0.21 Changes: - can build on space platform
Version: 3.0.20 Bugfixes: - fix a crash in find_entities_filtered if entoty is not present
Version: 3.0.19 Bugfixes: - fix obsolete reference to __kry_stlib__
Version: 3.0.18 Bugfixes: - Fix a crash on open GUI, if a chest was from other mod - Fix a crash if pasting from unknown entity
Version: 3.0.17 Bugfixes: - Fix a crash on resscan chest, if some chestsa disabled in settings
Version: 3.0.16 Changes: - Implement PersonalItemRequest
Version: 3.0.15 Date: 2024-11-06 Info: - Pushed to Factorio 2.0
Version: 2.0.14 Date: 2023-12-22 Bugfixes: - Fix using commands in multiplayer - Fix a crash with PersonalItemRequest when a chest was removed.
Version: 2.0.13 Date: 2023-11-25 Bugfixes: - Fix a crash with blueprints
Version: 2.0.12 Date: 2023-11-07 Features: - Industrial Revolution 3 support - matching technologies - ingedients depends on technology and Crafting costs (easy, medium, hard) Bugfixes: - Fix 'next_upgrade' which was not nil - Can not fix Factorissimo get_factory_by_entity returns nil. The cause lies outside this mod. Info: - Not yet all chests are optimally adapted to the IR3 technologies, but they do work. - I am happy to accept suggestions as to which chests should be available from which technologies.
Version: 2.0.11 Date: 2023-11-02 Features: - better selection tool logic for multi items (where number of chests matches) - fill pickup: [_][_]->[AB] >>> [A][B]->[AB] (chest to chest logistic) - fill drop: [A][B]->[_] >>> [A][B]->[AB] (chest to chest logistic) - fill all : [_][_]->{AB+C}->[_] >>> [A][B]->{AB+C}->[C] (e.g. to/from assembling machine) Bugfixes: - Fix broken selection tool
Version: 2.0.10 Date: 2023-11-01 Bugfixes: - Fix a crash when copy/cut a ghost chest - Fix a crash when open the GUI for an interupted edit
Version: 2.0.9 Date: 2023-10-28 Bugfixes: - Fix a crash when selecting a fluid - Fix a crash when rescan and a chest type is not available. - Workaround for an issue where updating blueprint with a chest in it, the chest was not updated. Works not in blueprint library, due to restriction of the factorio api.
Version: 2.0.8 Changes: - mod thumbnail
Version: 2.0.7 Bugfixes: - Fix a crash when a chest is destroyed while UI is open.
Version: 2.0.6 Date: 2023-10-05 Features: - ADD Signals to use as key, to have more as one channel for the same item. useable e.g. as priority flag - ADD /rescan command to rescan all chests Changes: - Rescan revised to include unbuilt Factorissimo buildings - Rescan for Factorissimo buildings when they are built, necessary if a global rescan was made in the meantime, which did not know the buildings yet
Version: 2.0.5 Date: 2023-10-04 Bugfixes: - FIX: something - ADD missing translations
Version: 2.0.4 Date: 2023-10-02 Features: - ADD outpost Changes: - some balancing
Version: 2.0.3 Date: 2023-09-19 Bugfixes: - FIX: crash when placing blueprint
Version: 2.0.2 Date: 2023-09-19 Features: - ADD Technolog to expand sector size - ADD surface chest (this a linked-chest limited tu surface) - ADD global chest (this a linked-chest without restrictions) - Add settings to enable/disable spedific chest
Version: 2.0.1 Date: 2023-09-17 Changes: - too many changes to list it here ;-) Info: - Work in progress
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2023-09-16 Info: - public release
Version: 0.0.0 Date: 2023-08-30 Features: - add multi-player support - multi-surface support - add more filter slots - surface sections Info: - First release - This is a complete rework of "Unichest" to implement more features for my needs. Thanks for the idea and the foundation.