Entity is not a known factory.
Factorissimo get_factory_by_entity returns nil.
I can not initialize smart linked chests.
You don't need to report this. I apologize, but there is nothing I can do.
The cause lies outside this mod.
May be removing some other mods could help.
stack traceback:
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/modules/Chest.lua:210: in function 'on_built_factory'
Kux-SmartLinkedChests/events/on_built_entity.lua:13: in function 'fnc'
Kux-CoreLib/lib/EventDistributor.lua:187: in function 'fnc'
Kux-CoreLib/lib/EventDistributor.lua:156: in function <Kux-CoreLib/lib/EventDistributor.lua:150>
Kux-SmartLinkedChests v3.0.16
Kux-CoreLib v3.13.0
Steps to repoduce:
...describe which steps you have done before...
Using Factorissimo 3 by notnotmelon, placing a factory results in this error, both in any game and in the map editor.
I have only used the mods Factorissimo and Smart Linked Chests, so I am certain that the issue is not caused by other mods.
Additionally, I tested the official Space Age DLC and found that the error does not occur when the DLC is disabled, at which point the Smart Linked Chests mod appears to function normally.