Orbital Ion Cannon (SE Edition)

When you need to call down the thunder to deal with those pesky biters, launch a rocket with an ion cannon into orbit and show the bugs who's boss. Now compatible with the planets and moons from Space Exploration.

1 year, 3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Pros/Cons

a month ago

For those players who install this mod thinking that it's a planetary-ranged version of artillery and that you can launch 100 cannons, set them in auto and have it clear your entire map...well, no. This weapon has severe limitations.

Like artillery, it has a remote that you hold in your cursor for targeting. But unlike artillery, you can't target something 50 chunks away. In fact, the "range" of the remote is only about 1/2 chunk from your character. Any targeting you try to do outside that range will get you the message "cannot reach". And no, that Quality of Life mod that lets you increase your character reach will not help.

Somewhere in these discussions, you'll find that the autofire feature is totally unlike artillery. Artillery will fire on any bug structures (visible or not) within range and continue to target and fire until no structures are left. But the ion cannons will ONLY fire on NEW nests and ONLY if they are visible. So, when I use my Better Radars mod and have literally thousands of spawns/worms visible...those ion cannons mostly just sit and do nothing. They only fire when a new spawn/worm is created during an expansion event. Quite frankly, this weapon is only good for keeping an area clear...you can't reasonably use it for initial clearing.

And, as mentioned elsewhere, it seems to need some type of scanning unit to help trigger it. Any mod that simply makes the map visible will probably not make this mod work. The mod Better Radars has a radar unit that has a huge "permanent visibility footprint", but in the background it does indeed scan...you just don't see it because everything in range is visible already. But that scanning will allow ion cannon firing.

a month ago

Hold shift (blueprint placement) to use the remote anywhere

a month ago

The Orbital Ion Cannon ist not a "kill all enemies" mod. If you want to play w/o enemies, there are more easy ways to to it. ;-)

23 days ago
(updated 23 days ago)

Yes kuxynator, most of us know we can start Factorio without enemies. And if we do start with enemies, we can use a console command to delete them. But not all of us want to play the "who can make the biggest base" game. Some of us lean more toward a Command and Conquer style game, i.e. begin small, build up a base and some military and then conquer the map. Your mod is perfect for players who like to conquer large areas of land but don't want the hassle of having to build a million miles of walls and turrets to hold that land. But for conquering to the edge of the map, well, there actually are not a lot of mods that support that...not unless playing on a really small map. Not unless a player wants to spend weeks of time and a million rounds of ammo. And no, True Nukes won't do it. Its "death zone" is too small and its "light damage AOE" is annoyingly large. Bitercide is the closest that I've come across. My Pro/Con entry was to simply give players like myself...players who are looking for a mass killer weapon but without being too cheaty about it...a quick summation of what your mod does and does not do. No shade intended.

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